God is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek and serve Him!

4 months ago

Clarification: I said in here "Is been a long time since I don't have my needs met" Meaning is been a long time that I don't have my needs NOT Met, thus I have not endured having my basic needs "not met". Thankfully, God has been really good to me concerning my basic financial necessities for the past years. It came out wrong when I said it in the video.


https://youtu.be/GwjQPUXR4SM?si=D3h55yp0D0_vO_qs God's healer 7 prophetic warning about the animals.

https://youtu.be/ahcjivwb5rM?si=6XmzFjdLhES1D4hu Vicky warning about animals turning against us.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/hl1bW2Ir3Ruk/ Lion spinning to death like the covid 19 shots deaths,

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