Alexander Grinberg & Stephen Dorril on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 23 February 2024

1 year ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Alexander practices individualized integrative medicine for rejuvenation, epigenetic wellness, and longevity. In my approach, Alexander combines peptide therapy, cell medicine, nutraceuticals/ supplements, and other interventions or modalities as necessary on an individual basis. Alexander is implementing the most recent breakthroughs in regenerative and anti-aging medicine, finding safe ways to apply them clinically. Alexander constantly strives to increase the level of precision and evidence-based approach to my interventions by utilizing the most advanced laboratory testing and creating testing protocols in collaboration with advanced biotech companies (based on the latest developments in analytical biology).

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Stephen Dorril is a historian, author, and British intelligence expert. Find his books here.

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