JFK JR’s Fake Scottish Accent

4 months ago

I’ve met a few Scottish people in England when I was in the Air Force,

Without fail, the were unintelligible. Things would roll of their tongues, down the hill and roll right back up the hill and straight thru the next sentence and then back again. They also gesture quite a bit , raise their voices, and I needed British friends to act as interpreters, …. This is John John large and in charge , personally enveloping - developing the White Hat Narrative.

Never heard of this guy before ? Now you know why !!!

Anyone talking into a microphone right now is a hand picked storyteller.

There are plenty of exceptions, like me, who operate simply as pissed off Americans who know how to utilize the media to disclose what they know and theorize about the rest.

But this stuff is too well rehearsed. Too logical. Too Americanized.

But that’s ok.
I marvel at his many characters, especially in the way that it allows him plenty of stealth access to move among many people and gather intel.

Or talk to Donald or Bobby unobtrusively in any public gathering.

But enough is enough John. You are insulting our intelligence and wasting our time. Fish or cut bait.! Shit or get off the pot. Lead follow or get out of the way.

Time to surface and kick ass and take names like we know you can. The object lessons have all been learned by those you were meant to reach.

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