Trump: Fighting The Dark Evil

1 year ago

Elastica - Connection

California Democrat Senator Chris Weiner put through a law, or at least attempted to put through a law in California that legalised sex with minors providing the age gap was no more than 10 years. That Senator is one of California's leather clad gay men, can you see patterns? It's almost like these scumbags were sleepers for years, ready for 2020 when the war between God and Satan surfaced, yet STILL the masses are too brainwashed to even notice.

The sleeping Americans are still brainwashed with the zionist propaganda, they watch TV too much and know little true history, and they are not very good at joining the dots. The patriots and anons around the world are doing a great job waking them up. Israel (STATE OF ISRAEL) ended on 31 Oct 2023, it is no longer a country, it's just a bankrupt failed corporation, or soon will be.

Trump's reference to "standing by Israel" is in my opinion NOT referring to the STATE OF ISRAEL, as he would have said that. I do believe he is referring to God's Children...Israel was never a country but it was a reference to those who followed and was loyal to God and Jesus, he's referring to the persecuted Christians, he's showing support for the persecuted Christians.

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