20240224 Day 685 Part-1 - The Rubicon Primaris, - LifeFitness Bike Conditioning, 100x Toes to Bar

3 months ago

20240224 Day 685 Part-1
The Rubicon Primaris,
LifeFitness Bike Conditioning,
30Km/18.66Mi Distance Goal,
Sub-60:00 Minutes Time Goal,
Level-14 resistance,
301-303 Watts FTP/Avg,
BW: 157.3Lbs/71.5Kg,
4.209-4.237 Watts/Kg FTP/Avg,
19:49, 252Kcal @10Km/6.22Mi First Checkpoint,
39:36, 503Kcal @20Km/12.44Mi Second Checkpoint,
49:33, 628Kcal @25Km/15.55 Third Checkpoint,
59:30, 755Kcal @30Km/18.66Mi Endpoint,
Distance/Time Goal Attained,
Primaris Crossing: SUCCESSFUL
So here’s a perfect example of what I discussed in my, “Let’s talk about pounds…” video last night. I’m almost 2lb heavier on the scale than yesterday when I came in at 155.6lbs. I had a later than expected dinner. With that dinner I also had extra bbq sauce wanting to store some additional glycogen for this, pre-travel training session.
Yesterday my Wattage was 295-298 Watts putting me at 4.17-4.213 Watts/Kg as 155.6Lbs is 70.727Kg.
Today, my Wattage at 301-303 Watts put me at 4.209-4.237 Watts/Kg.
That might seem like an insignificant increase but over 30Km it’s the difference between 61:10 and 59:30 or 2/3 of a Minute! That’s tremendous in the context of competition.
Pounds on the scale by themselves don’t matter but what they indicate (in this case, fuller glycogen stores and a higher level of preparedness) can make a meaningful difference in training outcomes.
100x Toes to Bar (10 x 10) followed.
People are counting on you so take care of yourself.
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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