CPAC 2024 - Former Congressman Doug Collins Critiques FISA Law Amendments on Citizen Media News

1 year ago

Former Congressman Doug Collins, a stalwart figure in Republican circles, joined Roger Farina on Citizen Media News to discuss his concerns about proposed amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Collins, a fifth-generation Republican and staunch activist, raised apprehensions about the potential ramifications of the new FISA legislation.

The conversation delved into the intricacies of the FISA amendments, with Collins highlighting the shortcomings of the current bill, particularly regarding its treatment of American citizens. Drawing from his experience as the ranking member of the judiciary and his involvement with FISA-related issues, Collins emphasized the need for careful scrutiny and balance in intelligence operations.

Collins referenced past efforts, including proposals for an ombudsman within the FISA framework, aimed at safeguarding the rights of American citizens. He underscored the importance of maintaining democratic principles while addressing security concerns, echoing sentiments expressed by former colleagues such as Jim Sensenbrenner, who cautioned against overreach in surveillance measures.

The discussion expanded to encompass policymakers' broader challenges, including immigration and congressional dynamics. Collins underscored the necessity of strategic decision-making in governance, urging a pragmatic approach to legislative priorities.

Addressing the proliferation of congressional candidates, Collins offered candid advice, stressing the importance of realistic expectations and adequate resources for electoral success. He emphasized the role of financial backing in political campaigns, cautioning against the illusion of grassroots support without substantive fundraising capabilities.
n closing, Collins shared his social media handles, inviting further engagement on the discussed issues through platforms like Twitter and his podcast.

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