How to handle your emotions after a burglary?

4 months ago

Dealing with a burglary

A week ago they broke into my house.
I will tell you how I have dealt with this, some reflections and perspectives.
We are all different, this might not resonate.
It is very important to respect yourself and where you are. Sometimes we need help to heal our wounds and we are not ready to let go of certain things.
Norms in society?
How are we expected to react? ReaCtive / Creative

I try to look at everything that happens to me as a lesson from Universe. What can I learn from this?
I brought this upon myself in a good way, not blaming. On a higher level I created it because I needed some gifts and wisdom that comes whith it.
It is NOT the same as saying what they did is ok. It is evil, dark, black, bad, terrible and they will be responsable for it. Don't get confused and misled here. I have noticed some tendency to use this way of thinking to mix light and darkness together. Free will means you can do what ever and even hurt others because it's only good for them. NO!! We have the two sides to be able to manifest who we are.
I can ”forgive” to release myself from pain, from low vibrating thoughts -fear- hate- revenge- judgements.
They have to live with their consequences, karma, but what I do to myself is what I have to live with.

Burglary in your house is an asault on your private space. The perpetrator preyed on the vitim in a space where you are supposed to feel safe.

We often tend to go into negative thinking. I noticed reactions from people around me – they told me scary storries, told me they felt sorry, how terrible this kind of people are, they swap grandmas gold into drugs etc
I decided to deal with the situation from my highest possible vibration.

First chock, physical, reptilian brain, stress, heart beat,
Observe and accept.
Emotions – victimhood, fear
I will never feel safe. I don't want to live there. They took away my life. I will never be able to sleep.

Sometimes we need to be in vicitmhood.
Maybe we need to process the feeling. Maybe things happend for you to get in contact with emotions that you hide away from as a child. Processing is accepting, feelig it, not avoiding it, be aware of it and then let it go.
reaCtive / Creative
What is my problem in this very moment?
My house is a mess. I don't know what is missing.
Fear? My inner demons? Fantasy? Worries?
What if my biggest problem is my own brain!

I can choose to take practical action- better lighting – instal an alarm, buy a Dobberman- anything that will make me feel better. But be aware how much this is just protecting my self from fear, emotions and inner demons.

I will most likley never know the truth so I decided to think of them as poor people in a bad sitution, I tried to send them love and wish them all the best.
All the work, hours, stress, fear of getting caught and hopefully at least some guilt.....and a very small outcome.
I focused on grandmas gold feeding hungry babies. I was thankful for my own life, appreciated beeing me, not them, and then I felt no longer as the victim.
Don't judge a person until you walked a mile in his shoes.....
I also focused on everything they left, what was still here. The fact they came when nobody was in the house, they treated things quite respectfully.

All the love, help and support I got from neighbours and friends!

I used my logic to put it into a context of statistics – the odds that it will happening twice.

This might be hard to consider, but I think we also need to start to take responsibility for the world we live in. We have all been a part of letting things get worse. Not choosing to do anything is also a choice. I don't mean to charge you with shame and blame. Nor defending the horrible things people are doing, but to assign responsibility. That we all start to take our role as creators seriously.
As we more and more accept the idea that ”what we focus on is what we create” we need to really be aware of what is going on inside us. Not just buy into what is consider normal, what we used to do and think. Be creative.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Start now!

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