Elohim - Disciple of Christ

7 months ago

verse 1

Blow the Trumpets Israel!
Yeshua is on his way!
He'll come to avenge the righteous ones
And to make the wicked pay!

Give him thanks and give him praise!
for he died for all our sins
He's coming back to make things right
In the new Jerusalem

It's time to get down on our knees
For the day is drawing near
When Satan and his evil servants
Will run away in fear


the one true living Elohim
there is no one I love more
for his mercy saved me from my sin

for I was damned to death and darkness
But he gave us everlasting life
He blessed us with his Holy Spirit
His law delivers us from strife

Throughout the ages and the prophets
all his words will come to pass
His Holy book gives us the answers
just seek his wisdom for it is vast

Verse 2

Jesus Christ the hamashiach
came and shed his blood
he paid our debts and he redeemed us
he is the greatest love

Keep his feast day of Atonement
Afflict your souls and fast
Yeshua's blood with purify us
when we hear the trumpets blast

And on his feast of Tabernacles
abide inside your booths
we must observe his Holy feast days
Until his wrath is loosed

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