A Spring like day in late Winter calling us to start Creating our 2024 inner & Outer Garden Plan!

4 months ago

Isn’t it wonderful how Mother Nature calls us to grow and develop with her Seasons… and with all the nuances that occur within a Season’s unfolding.

Like today…
the sun is softly Shinning with wispy clouds streaked across the vivid blue sky just like an early Spring day.

On days like this at this time of the Late Winter Season…I’m beginning to feel the gentle tug/prompting to begin opening up gently out of winter’s dormancy and make some active moves to Expand… inwardly & outwardly in my actual Garden!

so I say to us... continue dreaming... dream big!!!!
And at the same time… move ahead… finish up removing the old dead wood… Closing those open loops & all that left over stuff that does not fit into this new Season's Garden & Life Experience & Design & Creation.

Make room for all that is to bloom ahead!

And we must always remember to be gentle & kind with ourself....
Use Nature as a healing tool by spending time in it… grounding your body into it... knowing that you are safe and supported always by mother Gaia & the Universe's Unconditional Love & Healing Light.

Energy Hugs... Love n Light to each and every one of you!
Thanks for stoping by for a visit!
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