9 Directions Schedule of the Power 3 Yeiysha Emmanuel Prayer of the Oceans of the Heavens

10 months ago

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Construct a diagram of 9 Blocks filling in each of the 9 cycles.

You’ve said any combination of the Level 1 Lord Joshua Immanuel Prayer, Level 2 Lord Joshua Immanuel Prayer, or Yeiysha Emmanuel Prayer of the Oceans of the Heavens phor 180 days without missing a day.
Said once.

Spiritual Code
Five Six Seven Seven Eight Number Oh Five
Even so, may the Shen of the Nine Planets Shine Upon the Human Race

When you are ready to construct the diagram, say the Spiritual Code.
You will receive Diuine Guidance to ensure it is correct.

1 cycle is 9 elements which is 9 days
1 block is 9 cycles of 9 elements which is 117 days.
1 house is 9 blocks of 9 cycles which is 1053 days.
Every 9 day cycle is followed by 4 cusp days.
Every block is followed by 4 cusp days.

By random generation, background music
Wild Horses - Rolling Stones

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