13 DEADLY SHARK ATTACKS 100 Miles Into The Iranian Desert! WWII Man-Eating Sharks Of Ahwaz

7 months ago

#shark #horrorstories #truestory

In the summer of 1941 reports of serious injury to individuals amongst troops stationed along the Shatt-d-Arab and creeks in the Basra Base area began to come in to Medical Headquarters.
'These reports at first stated that the injuries, gross laceration of legs or arms, were caused by crocodiles (mugger).. But our experience was entirely against the injuries being due to crocodile attack. These grip, hold on and gradually drag their victims into the water. The present series of injuries indicated a savage wrenching and avulsing attack by some creature armed with numerous, sharp, inward curving teeth.
Subsequent to the occupation of Ahwaz the information crystallized down to definite attacks by sharks in each case, although at first one could hardly credit sharks being some 90 miles up river from the sea.
About a dozen military cases were recorded with approximately similar histories of attack; this being either when the individual was swimming or actually bathing, or when washing vehicles or equipment at the edge of the water. In the former cases the attacked individuals completely disappeared, in the latter injuries such as are recorded in this article were reported.
One typical case which confirmed the earliest reports was of an I.A.S~C. Driver who had backed his ambulance-car into the shallow water of the rocky rapids at Ahwaz and was standing in the water less than knee deep washing the rear wheel of the vehicle. His right ankle was seized by a shark and he was pulled down off balance. His subsequent injuries, of which he died, were avulsion of the right leg, laceration of left hand and forearm and complete stripping of all tissues off the right arm.
On hearing recently that Colonel Hunt had a record of some of these cases we immediately asked for an article on the subject. Here it is.

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