Somebody come and look at this (Check Description)

4 months ago

From a fellow Anon..

Twilight Zone moment 🤯

Chris Cuomo Brought his Doctor on TV to Discuss the Recent C19 Vaccine Study — “The Headline Makes it Sound like You Have Nothing to Worry About, But the Opposite is True”

Robin Rose:
"They identified these very significant problems that were neurologic, cardiac, or hematologic issues…>

There's tens of millions of people out there screaming from the rooftops saying that after they‘be taken a vaccine they suffered. Symptom’s that have impaired their activities of daily living.

Why are we not looking at those things?"

• The study found that C19 Vaccines caused an increased risk of certain neurological, heart, blood, and brain disorders…
— Myocarditis: 6.1-fold increase w/Moderna
— Pericarditis: 6.9-fold increase w/ AstraZeneca
— Guillain-Bare Syndrome: 2.5-fold risk w/ AstraZeneca

• The study did not cover a lot of other symptoms that hundreds of thousands of people have experienced.

I wasn’t expecting that… you?

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