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Final Day at NRB

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Well, it’s my final day at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville and we have some great guests for you.
We speak to Rosemary Schindler Garlow from Well Versed World ministries whose mission is to bring Biblical principles of governance to government leaders and the people who elect them.
Shonda Hasse of America for Israel ministries whose goal is to expand relationships in the public and private sectors to bolster support for the Jewish State.
Right to life advocate Denise Mountenay will give us a quick update on her movie pitch she making at NRB.
Tami DiVine from Divine Family Entertainment talks about her family friendly streaming company.

America for Israel: americaforisrael.us

Well Versed World: wellversedworld.org

Sun City Silver and Gold: sovereignize@protonmail.com

Zstack Protocol: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=LAURALYNN

☆ We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness to help us keep information like this coming! ☆
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  • Great interviews God Bless Israel! Thank you Laura from Alberta!

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  • Amen, Israel is the barometer of the world and the signs of the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ... Revelation 1-4 lays out the chastisement of the churches, the rest of Revelation to the end is a time for the world and the Jews when a remnant of the Jews will turn to Christ and be saved... Shine the light brightly until Christ removes the Church, Blessed are they who bless Israel... God has chosen the Jewish Nation to reveal Christ to the World, Our Messiah came through the Jewish people... And our Messiah will return and put his feet down on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem... The hottest contest plot of land in the world, the most hated group of people because of the enemies war against Truth... Their time is almost up, they enemy knows they are doomed in the end, but will resist fiercely to the bitter end, hence the war and rumours of wars...

  • Laura-Lynn,I'm very distressed that You have this conflict and ideology inside out (from My point of view)...

  • Thank you, Laura, from B.C. I love, support financially & have visited Israel & Egypt. Shallom! (Numbers 6:24-26) This behaviour directly affected my teaching in Surrey, B.C. in 1984! Genesis 12:3!

  • Thanks for the encouragement & wisdom, Laura-Lynn. I'm 82! People think I'm in my 60s. 😂🙏😇🥰

  • Yup God is separating the wheat from the shaft. God bless Israel 🇮🇱 I stand with Israel 🇮🇱 and let those captives free