Michael Moore Yells ‘Keep it Down’ at ‘Little Embryos’ Who’s Running Down His Hallway — ‘I’m on Live TV’

7 months ago

We turn to a very special guest, returning to “the beat” is oscar-winning director and a Michigan man, Michael Moore. Welcome back. How are you?
>> Keep it down out there!
>> It’s loud in the house? No, there’s a bunch of embryos running up and down the highway.
>> I see.
>> They’re declared legally children.
>> You know what? Just people know it’s not a bit, I thought you got me. I thought you were for real.
>> No, no, no it’s just embryos. First it was, you had a baby. That was called the baby’s birthday. It came out of the mother. That wasn’t good enough.
>> Yes.
>> So we had to then make fetuses somehow human beings. That wasn’t good now. Embryos, as of yesterday, at least in the state of Alabama, are now children — I’m quoting the children.
>> Yes, babies, that’s what they said.
>> What’s next, ari? What’s before embryo? That’s a fertilized egg, the sperm and the egg? That’s their next step. The egg is human life. The sperm is human life.
>> Yep.
>> I’m just saying to the men who are watching — I’m keeping it pg.
>> It is a family show. Afternoon on the West Coast.
>> But every time you have a thought in your head and you decide to act on it, you can look it up, Google it, it’s 200 million to 300 million sperm each time that happens. 200 million potentially human lives are being destroyed. So I just want to encourage the Christian nationalists stay with this, it’s important, you’re protecting life. I’m on live TV! Sheesh.
>> I love an extended Michael Moore satire piece, but what you’re saying cecily is true.
>> 15 minutes we’re brilliance, ari. If you —
>> I appreciate that. We’ll put it up. Every voter, you know, what you —
>> You start pulling the planks out. The way law works, it’s built on certain planks and precedent. When you rip out a big one, right? A, the lodger is pull out of

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