How to Know if a Girl Likes You: Signs of Attraction Revealed

9 months ago

They did it again! Apocalypse Phoenix Linktree to ALL Social Media Platforms & Music Streaming Services Plus More!

They're not even showing you any kind of you know indicators of attraction That's one thing you do have to look for from a woman If a girl likes you she makes it very easy She wants to be around you She's up to share things with you and bring you gifts She's going to you're going to catch her checking you out You know you look and she's like she's going to look and look away She's going to want to be around you Those are things that women do when they like you It's very easy And if there are no indicators of attraction and it's just you attracted to her dip She needs to be attracted to you at least a little bit You need to catch her staring at you one or two times to be like okay she's attracted Women aren't going to show attraction in the same way

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