A Broken Intelligence Community - How Did We Get Here?

6 months ago

"It began a century ago, or even more if you think about it. So the actual operation began in 1922. It was a Soviet Bolshevik operation designed to collapse Germany after World War One. So this is before the rise of Hitler. Germany was defeated. It was divided. It was in a state of severe cultural identity crisis. So the idea was to take Karl Marx, who everybody thinks of as some sort of deranged economist, which he was. But that was the Karl Marx of 1848 when he wrote Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto. Earlier, Karl Marx of 1843 declared war on culture, Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, Western culture with family values, and the father was head of the household and the nuclear family, and a big extended family, and morals and principles and all these things." –J. Michael Waller


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