Tension Seekers - Offshoot

3 months ago

Fist single by critically acclaimed Toronto, Canada band Offshoot.



Attention Seekers x 4

Ego driven humankind

Careless leaders lose their mind

Polluted oceans, dirty skies

Complete corruption of human mind

Selfie nations are on the rise

Dumbed-down youth just can’t hide

Wasted time, wasted life

New world order, nevermind

Tension Seekers x 4

Pollution is thriving

Submerging human face, peace by peace

Mindless corruption is flying

Elevating those who cannot feel

Judge me – Judge you

Throw on some devil thorns – they wish you were never born

Ego driven humankind

Careless leaders lose their mind

Polluted oceans, dirty skies

Complete corruption of human mind

Selfie nations are on the rise

Dumbed-down youth just can’t hide

Wasted time, wasted life

New world order, nevermind

Tension Seekers x ~

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