Civil Disobedience: A Biblical Approach

1 year ago

Do we obey God or the government? What do we do when the government and God conflict? Is it ever biblical to form a revolution against a tyrannical government? In this video, I am going to be doing my best to present a biblical appraisal of civil disobedience and our responsibility as Christians a post-Christian nation.

This video ended up being way longer than I initially thought, but I didn’t want to break it up into smaller videos because I think it is best viewed in sequence that I am presenting it. If you need to take a break or stop watching, you can always come back and there are time stamps showing the chapters of the video to make that easier.

0:00 Prologue
2:06 The Basis and Goal of Christian Ethics
5:15 Introduction to Civil Disobedience
6:49 Radical Patriotism
7:47 Honor and Authority
13:23 Graded Absolutism and Objections to Radical Patriotism
17:52 Biblical Submissionism: Anticompulsionism
19:21 Biblical Submissionism: Antipromulgationism
23:30 Turn the other Cheek?
25:16 Legislating Morality
27:45 Reflection and Application
31:27 Protestant Silence
33:46 First in the Charge, Last in the Retreat
36:00 Epilogue

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