The Spy Who Doesn’t Love Me | Galatians 2:4

10 months ago

Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery — Galatians 2:4

CALL OUT: Call out today to Derrick Bressel and the team from Fresno, CA. Thanks for your friendship and partnership in the Gospel.

If you think woke theology in the church is a new problem, well, you're wrong.

Paul is writing this letter because false teachers in his day were sneaking in their own version of woke theology.

I love the metaphor Paul uses here. He describes these false teachers as "spies" who have "slipped in" and "secretly" operate by dropping in misinformation for "enslaving" Gospel-believing people. This metaphor is so potent because it highlights the problem and the purpose of woke theology.

The problem with woke theology is that it sounds like the truth, yet it only contains shreds of truth. Yet it has just enough shreds of the truth that it's pretty presentable and persuasive. It seems reasonable, even though it's not.

The purpose of woke theology is to entrap and enslave. It has an ulterior motive with an oppressive end. If surrendered to, it becomes clear that its purpose is submission to ideas that submit people to behaviors and oppressive people with a selfish agenda in mind.

The easiest way to detect a spy who has slipped in and secretly plans to enslave is to know the true Gospel. It's to know the Gospel message of Christ that leads to freedom. You must understand it so well that even a hint of untruth mixed with the Gospel truth will alert your heart, mind, and soul. But to know it this well, you need to read, experience, and live it so that when it comes time to detect it, you will know how to respond.

And this is why starting our days here together is essential. Each time we do, we are renewing and retraining our minds to the only truth—the Gospel truth.

#GuardTheGospel #WokeTheologyAlert #FreedomInChrist #DetectDeception #RenewYourMind


How can we actively guard ourselves against the infiltration of false teachings, like woke theology, while remaining open-hearted and loving towards others?
In what ways can we deepen our understanding of the true Gospel message in order to better discern between truth and deception in today's cultural and theological landscape?
DO THIS: Know the Gospel better.

PRAY THIS: Father, grant me wisdom and discernment to recognize and resist the subtle traps of false teachings, so that I may stand firm in the truth of Your Gospel and experience the freedom You offer. Help me to continually renew my mind in Your Word, strengthening my resolve to follow You faithfully each day. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Surely.

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