Speaker Johnson: Possible Biden actions on border amount to ‘election year gimmicks’

5 months ago

On Thursday, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) dismissed reports suggesting that President Biden is contemplating the use of executive authority to tackle the issues at the southern border, characterizing them as “election year gimmicks.”

Various outlets had indicated on Wednesday that Biden, despite previous White House assertions that he had exhausted unilateral measures on the border, is exploring potential actions to restrict migrants’ asylum-seeking capabilities in the U.S.

For months, Johnson has been urging Biden to utilize his executive authority to improve border conditions, including a December letter that urged immediate actions within the existing immigration laws to curb the escalating flow of illegal immigration.

In response to this week’s reports, Johnson raised questions about Biden’s commitment to addressing the border situation, The Hill reported.

READ MORE: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4483486-speaker-johnson-possible-biden-actions-on-border-amount-to-election-year-gimmicks/

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