Caught on iPhone: Woman Bites, Steals & Nearly Runs Over Victim With U-Haul!

7 months ago

On August 24th, 2023, officers in New Mexico responded to a report of a physical altercation stemming from a parking lot dispute at a local library. The confrontation began when one woman accused another of striking her vehicle's mirror with a U-Haul van door. The situation quickly escalated from a verbal disagreement into a physical fight. Witnesses and involved parties provided conflicting accounts of the events leading up to the altercation. One woman claimed the argument turned physical after she was accused of hitting the other's car mirror and subsequently filmed without her consent, leading her to take the accuser's phone and eventually bite her hand during the struggle.

Upon the officers' arrival, they observed the U-Haul van attempting to leave the scene and conducted a stop. The driver admitted to taking the phone and biting the other party during the altercation. Video evidence from a bystander and witness statements corroborated the sequence of events, including the physical struggle and the biting incident. The victim's injuries were confirmed by emergency medical services, and property damage was documented.

Based on the evidence and statements collected at the scene, the woman who drove the U-Haul was arrested for robbery. Despite the initial cause of the dispute being related to vehicle damage, charges for criminal damage were not pursued, as it was deemed unintentional. The suspect was charged with Robbery.

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