40 Days of Prayer, Praying for Evangelistic Opportunities, Col 4:2-6

11 months ago

Welcome to Week 2, DAY 5

“Devote yourself.” That’s language we don’t hear too often. To be devoted speaks of dedication and an unswerving commitment. Today’s passage begins with the instruction that our prayer life, and any fruit that flows from these prayers, begins with devotion.
What should we pray for? We should pray for an open door for our message, clear proclamation, wisdom, and that opportunities are not missed. How do we do this? We do so graciously, seasoned in a way that adds flavor (not irritation), and that provides insights to life’s many questions.
It sounds simple, right? At this point, some people will tell you it’s not, that the people don’t want to hear our message, that culture has changed and is hostile to the church.
Jesus disagrees. He told His clumsy followers, who had a record of getting it wrong, that the fields are ripe for the harvest; the problem was that the laborers were few, unconvinced, or simply unwilling.
Today, our prayer is that we are not counted among the few, the unconvinced, and the unwilling. In contrast to many of our prayers, we have a significant part to play in answering this prayer. How? By being willing.
Will you, like Jesus, look for open doors? Will you knock on these doors often—aware that in ourselves, we cannot save anyone? Jesus loves to come in an eat with everyone who invites Him in.
The Holy Spirit prompts the hearts of the hearers. May our feet walk in tune with His leading.

Lord, may we make the most of every opportunity, in grace, through our words and our actions. Would You help us believe with confidence in the good news, and may we be devoted to this cause. We love You. Amen.

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