Military Minute 22 Feb 24

10 months ago

I'm Papa Penguin and this is your Military Minute. Another trio of stories. These ones may have started off bad but in the end it appears everything is coming out in the wash.

We've got our 3rd Sailor turning traitor and selling information to our adversaries. I think it's time to bring back keel hauling.

Next there's a Soldier sentenced to a couple of decades for his predatory behavior.

Lastly we have China being the victim of a massive document dump of all sorts of intel. Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, is it China?

The more I keep up with this stuff the more I realize the US military isn't nearly as incompetent and corrupt as some would lead you to believe. We've got our issues but our enemies are worserer.

And that's your military minute.

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