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Prophet Julie Green - A Great Shaking is Coming to Corporate America - Captions
God declares a year of unusual, unprecedented and unconventional events, signaling a profound shift in power. Emphasizing His hand in motion, God assures believers that their enemies will be annihilated, and they will no longer be held captive. A significant theme revolves around a great transfer of wealth, land, and influence from the wicked to the faithful, echoing biblical narratives of Exodus. The message underscores the believers' authority and encourages them to stand firm, resist, and use their power against adversaries.
God also reveals specific insights into worldly affairs, promising the exposure of secrets behind corporations like Anheuser Busch and a subsequent shaking in corporate America, Wall Street, and the banking industry. The message extends to unveil a divine plan to expose government manipulation, corporate conspiracies, and foreign interference against the nation. God pledges to reveal the truth about the Federal Reserve, its role in deliberately causing financial damage, and the impending destruction of those who sought to bankrupt the nation for a reset. The narrative conveys a sense of impending justice, assuring believers that God's hand is moving to dismantle the powers that conspired against the nation and its people.
Furthermore, God promises a revelation of secrets from the White House, detailing conspiracies surrounding figures like The Biden, Kamala, and Obama. The message underscores divine surveillance, claiming that God has tapped into their lines of communication, and it anticipates explosive revelations through surveillance videos, emails, and text messages. Specific individuals such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos are mentioned in connection to conspiracies aimed at undermining the nation and its freedoms. God vows to expose their roles and contributions, ensuring that their control and surveillance over His children will be dismantled. The overarching theme remains one of divine intervention, justice, and a transformative upheaval of current power dynamics.
Today’s Scriptures:
Isaiah 40:12-17(message translation)
Romans 10:7
Psalm 33:10-12
Isaiah 45:2-3
Isaiah 46:9-10
Isaiah 40:5&8
Luke 10:19
Genesis 1 26-28(classic amplified)
Psalm 115:16
Haggai 2:6-9
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is actually Wednesday, January 24th. Of 2024 and you will see this on Monday, January 29th, because I'll be traveling out of town and I want to make sure that you received these prophetic words. Now today, this prophetic word is called a great shaking is coming for corporate America.
I heard this word on January. 12th of 2024. So before I get to this prophetic word, if you do have any query requests or price reports, please go to our website at under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 46 20 East 53rd Street, suite 200, down Port Iowa, 5 2 8 0 7.
And I know most of you know that we do have a very powerful prayer team here at Julie Green Ministries, and we love to pray for each and every one of you. And we do pray for you each. And every day also while I'm gone I will be doing maybe some surprise live shows. And so, I don't exactly know which time I'll be doing that, but I will make sure that before I do a live show, I will make sure that I have my social media team share that out with you.
And so you can have those links and you can be a part of that live show. So I'll have a feeling I'll be going live. From Washington DC from our Capitol this week that you will see these. So I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to all the things that God is doing in our nation, how he is moving us forward and how he is restoring America.
And we are one nation under God. And I know that I know that I know that the whole world is about to see that for a fact. I think that's all the announcements I have to make today. And of course, if you do want any Julie Greene Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesundthreads. com. Now, those proceeds that would go to this ministry are actually going to various charities.
So this ministry does not receive any finances from any of these sales. Okay. It goes to charities. So I just want to let you guys all aware of that. It's not for profit for this ministry. Okay, now here is a prophetic word, and again it's called a great shaking is coming for corporate America, and I heard this prophetic word on January 12th, 2024.
It says, my children, I'm telling you this day that things in this year will be more and more unusual, more unprecedented, more unconventional than any other time you have ever experienced. This is a time where my hand is moving. My army is marching toward your enemies and annihilating everything they are doing and everything they stand for.
My children, I Am moving and things will appear so unprecedented. People will continue to say what in the world is going on. I Am a supernatural God and the natural things upon this earth. That, are holding you, will no longer hold you or keep you under your enemy's captivity. You are no longer slaves to your enemy or anyone trying to control this earth.
My children, know who you are in me now. Know how much authority I have given to you upon this earth. This earth has been given to you and not them. Everything in this earth is yours, children of Almighty God, none of it. Belongs to your enemies. This is a time where unprecedented, unusual, unconventional things taking place one after another.
Everything is changing course and everything is shifting hands from the hands of the wicked to your hands, my children. You are prepared, who are prepared for it, and who are believing for it. A great transfer is taking place of wealth, land, businesses, even congregations from the hands of the wicked. Gold, silver, and inventions.
Everything is changing just like it did in the book of Exodus for my people. This time it will be much greater than that. So once again, I say, stand, fight, resist, push back, deny, forbid, and use your authority I have given to you against your enemies.
A great battle is coming to an end. All that you see and all that you've been fighting against. A great exodus will be experienced, and great celebrations will follow, saith the Lord. Explosive information is about to come out regarding Anheuser Busch. I have said this name and company before. Many secrets are lurking behind closed doors, and those doors are about to be opened.
And more companies will be exposed just like them. A great shaking is coming for corporate America. A great shaking on wall street and the banking industry. It's all falling apart. I'm exposing every person in your government that has manipulated or been manipulated, conspired with banks, companies, and foreign governments against this nation.
It will all come out before your eyes, and I will show you who has been paid and I will expose all the funny money and blood money. A shaking of truth is coming that will tear apart Washington and all of them. Their lies are sabotage, treason, and theft. against the American people. It is all over for them, and they are about to find that out.
Truth is coming for the Federal Reserve. Explosive truth on why they were formed, who controls them, how much financial damage they have purposely done to the American people and this nation. A great debt was brought on purpose and strategically done to bankrupt this nation. To destroy it for their reset.
But they don't know I'm a debt cancelling God. And their plans will not be finished or completed. Because my hand is moving to expose and destroy their power over this nation, saith the lord of hosts.
Secrets. Yes, many secrets are about to come. From the White House. Secrets about Biden, Kamala, Obama, about everyone working with them. Their lines of communication have been tapped by me. Surveillance video, emails, text messages, explosive video is coming forward. How they have conspired to steal yet another election.
How they conspired against my David and this nation. I will expose every connection to George Soros. and how his money has helped to bring down this nation and to destroy your freedoms.
I will expose Bill Gates and his money and how he has been a part of it. I will expose fully Mark Zuckerberg and his part. I will expose Jeff Bezos and his part along with many globalists like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari and all social media platforms, their lies and deception, along with how they've been spying and surveilling you, how they were destroying your privacy to control you even more.
I'm destroying their control and their surveillance over you, my children. This great silence is coming and you will see to defeat the enemy. So stand alert at all times because unusual, unprecedented, and unconventional things are about to take place for your deliverance, saith the Lord your Redeemer. Now something that he's been saying a lot recently are those three words, Unconventional, Unprecedented, and Unusual.
Those are the three words he keeps saying over and over again. It was yesterday for me, but it was last week for you when he gave another prophetic word regarding those very words. Now I want to go over, I'm going to look up these words and definitions. Okay. Cause that's something that's really important right now.
If he keeps saying these words over and over and over again, Then there's something that we need to know more about the meaning of these words. So unprecedented means never done or known before. So when God has been saying over and over that we were about to see things that are unprecedented in this year, that means never done or known before.
So people are looking to the past and what has been done before and how things usually go. So, and God says, Things this time are going to be unprecedented. Never done or known before. And then he also uses the word unconventional.
Let's see what that meaning is. Unconventional. Not conventional, not bound by or in accordance with convention being out of the ordinary and unconventional. Thinker. So it goes on to say a couple of other different things. That's not, let me look for the, I'd look for the meaning instead of the definition.
Let me look, sorry about that. I'm going to look for the definition, see if that's better. Okay. Unconventional, not based on or conforming to what is generally done or. Believed. So he's saying unprecedented things that are never done like this before or known. And then he's also saying unconventional. And that means not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.
Let's look, there's anything else that I think that he would want me to share. All right, let's look up unusual, even though I know that he uses that word a lot too. Oops. Hold on one second. There we go. Okay. Unusual. Not commonly occurring or done remarkable or interesting because different from or better than others.
Um, uh, unusual, something unusual is uncommon. It's odd, weird, or out of the ordinary in some way. So he's getting our attention that things are going to be out of the ordinary and not normal for what is usually done in the past. That's why he keeps saying unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual. Now when the Lord repeats these words to me, it gets my attention.
Because he's trying to get our attention that something out of the ordinary, something very unprecedented, something very unconventional, something that we are not used to or not known to us is going to take place. Well, when he's talking about a greater exodus, which he's been talking about for a while now, and he's been saying what happened in the book of Exodus is going to happen again, but to a greater degree because he's not saving one nation, he's saving the nations all around the world.
I would say that's unprecedented. I would say it's unconventional. What he did in the book of Exodus was unusual, unprecedented and unconventional. It was not something that had ever taken place before. It was not known. To his people. And so when he's saying these words continuously, getting us to get our attention, Hey, there are things that are going to happen that have not been done before.
So don't look to things that have happened before and just think that things are going to be usual. Or normal because they're not now he also gave me a few other scriptures. And he gave me a few other scriptures and different versions of this scripture. He wanted me to go over So this is isaiah 40.
This is the first scripture today isaiah 40 in verse 15 Isaiah 40 in verse 15. It says behold The nations are like a drop from a bucket and are counted as small dust on the scales. Behold, he takes up the aisles like a very little thing. So the nations are like a drop in the bucket. So that's an amplified version.
And then I'm going to drop down to verse 17. All the nations are as nothing before him. They are regarded by him as less than nothing and emptiness. Waste and worthiness. Now, what does that mean? The nations around the world, no matter how much power they have, no matter how much money they have, they are nothing compared to God.
You know how much control they have over the world. They are nothing compared to God. And then when I was doing this study regarding the scripture, he had me look up the message translation of the scripture. So I'm still reading Isaiah 40 and I'm going to read let's see here cause it gives me 12 through 17.
You know what? I'm going to read all of that. Isaiah 40, 12. Through 17 because it paints a great picture and how big and how awesome our God is. So it says right here, who has scooped up the ocean into his two hands or measure the sky between his thumb and his little finger who has put all the earth's dirt and one of his baskets weighed each mountain and hill who could ever have told God what to do or taught him his business.
What expert would he have gone to for advice? What school would he have attended to learn justice? What do you, what, what God do you suppose might have taught him what he knows and showed him how things work? Why the nations are but a drop in the bucket. And why the nations are a drop in the bucket, a mere smudge on a window.
Watch him sweep up the islands like so much dust off the floor. There aren't enough trees in Lebanon nor enough animals in those vast forests to furnish adequate fuel and offerings for his worship. All the nations add up to simply nothing before him. Less than nothing is more like it. A minus. Do you see what this is saying?
So in this scripture, again, it says Isaiah 40 verse 12 through 17 in the message translation, it talks about how big God is. He scooped the oceans in his hands. And then it says how he measured the sky between his thumb and his finger. Then. How he has put all the earth's dirt in one basket and weighed each mountain and hill.
So these scriptures are showing you how big God really is. And how mere men are nothing. All their power, all their control, all their money, all their influence is like a minus to him. It's nothing. And so when he sees the nations, when he sees all these governments, when he sees the global government, when he sees their power, when he sees all their, you know, corporations and all the things that they have built up to keep them empowered and in their control all over this earth, he's saying they're less than nothing.
They're a minus to him. There are nothing in the sight of God. And so we should see it like that. God is the most high God and he is the creator of heaven and earth. How does the creation overthrow the creator or Outsmart the creator they can't so when you have all of these people and all these rogue and tyrannical Governments out of control you have all these globalists you have all of these elitists with all their billions and trillions of dollars Because money is power, right?
And so they're doing all of these things all over the world Thinking that they are the most powerful that they are God that they can do whatever they want And God is saying to us in the word that they are but they're nothing And they're all like a minus. So when God is saying he's moving his hand and I'm going to show you different scriptures today, but you guys know I've showed you, okay, he wants me to remind you of another one that we have gone over and over and over again.
But a lot of times we cannot hear a scripture just one time. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. That's Romans 10, 17 faith comes by hearing. So when you say, well, I've heard that scripture before. So faith comes by hearing and hearing God's word is inexhaustible. So you can hear a scripture a thousand times and to the, you know, the 1, 001 time you get a greater revelation than the first a thousand times you read that scripture, you will always learn.
It's inexhaustible. You will never know everything regarding the Bible now that's living now. I will also read. Eyes psalm. I'm gonna go back to the book of Isaiah here a minute I have a few scriptures in the book of Isaiah, but go to psalm 33 again You guys probably know exactly what scripture I'm gonna go to now This is reminding us that everything that we're seeing before us is nothing compared to God And he wants you to know that he wants you to know that everything That you see before you across the world across the nations are nothing compared to God member.
They're a minus All right. Psalm 33 in verse 10. The Lord brings a council of the nations to Nothing, and then it says he makes the plans of the peoples of no effect the council This is verse 11 the council of the Lord stands forever the plans of his heart and all generations Blessed the nation whose God is their Lord the people he has chosen as his own Inheritance.
How, how much are the nations to God compared to God? The nations are nothing compared to God. He's showing us over and over and over again. And again, read Isaiah 40, 12 through 17 out of the message translation. It's, it's, like I said, I read different translations as well when I'm studying. So not only do I do word studying, Like different definitions and things and the meanings of different words while I Am studying, but I also do different translations.
Because I Am expounding upon, I want that greater revelation. And so different translations give you different things. And so there's a lot of times, and he'll even tell me, go to the message translation. I'm like, okay. Or go to the NIV or go to the Amplified or go to the new, new King G new King James this time or whatever.
And he will, he will show me. And then once he shows me and I do it the way he has it. It just, it's so amazing how the one scripture I could, cause I have a parallel Bible. I have the New King James on one side and I have Amplified on the other. And so I usually study these two, New King James and the classic Amplified.
There's times where he has me go outside of that and I'll go onto Bible Gateway and I'll look up different translations of different scriptures. And I learned so much from that. I love how he can teach you in his own word. It's amazing. But anyway, so if you read Isaiah 40 12 through 17 is showing you how big God is.
He's revealing to you how he made the earth, but how big he is compared to what's in the earth. Like he could hold the mountains. And it's like in his it's like his hand. He made everything with it He's just so big and so vast and so hard as a human brain to comprehend how big God is But he's absolutely Huge there's nothing greater than God and that's why he wants to remind us that he's the most high God and these people that are Against him are nothing in his sight.
Nothing. All right, so let's go to I have so many scriptures to go to right now So let's go to Isaiah 45. I'm seeing all the ones that I have. Okay, let's go Isaiah 45
Look what he says in verse 2 Isaiah 45 in verse 2 I will go before you and make the crooked places straight I will break in pieces in the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron verse 3 I will give you treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places That you may know that I, the Lord who call you by my name, and I Am the God of Israel.
So he's saying, I'll make all the crooked places straight. So all the damage that the enemies have done, okay, to all of us, and everything that they have done to destroy our freedoms, destroy our nations. He says he's going to make whatever has been crooked, he's going to make it straight. Then he says, then all the treasures of darkness.
So all the things that the enemies have taken, enemies have stolen, which is right, rightfully, the children of almighty God, he said, I'm going to hand it back over to him. Now you see that again in the book of Exodus, when people say the wealth transfer is stupid, it's foolish. That's just, you know, this too good to be true.
That's never going to happen. It's already happened. That's happened before. God is a God of restoration. He takes things from the wicked and He gives it to His people. That's in the Bible. The Walsall Center is laid out for the judge. You can find that in Proverbs. Also, you can find that in Ecclesiastes where it says that they have the job of heaping it up just to hand it back over.
This is scriptural. Now, I want to read also Isaiah 46,
Isaiah 46 and verse 9, earnestly
remember the former things which I did of old for I Am God and there's no one else. I Am God and there's no one like me declaring the end result from the beginning and from the ancient times, the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand. I will do all my pleasure and purpose. Thanks.
Thanks. He knows the end from the beginning. Now he says in verse nine, what does he say earnestly? Remember what is earnestly mean? We've gone over that meaning before. Take it seriously. Take it seriously. Remember the former things which I did go back to the book of access and see what God did People don't take that seriously enough.
They think okay, that's awesome for the children of Israel And that was awesome to put in the Bible, but that's not what he does Now what why did he tell them in the book of Exodus and Exodus chapter 13 even said? earnestly remember this day tell your children your children's children Earnestly remember or take seriously what I, what I'm doing for you because he wants you to know that he's the same God yesterday, today, and forever.
And if he did it before, he will do it again. He's that same God and his word stands forever. So again, earnestly remember the form of things which I did of old for I Am God and there's no one else. So all these nations and all of these men and all these people that think, all these governments that think they have all this power and all this authority, they can do whatever they want.
They're a nothing, they're a drop in the bucket, and God even says they're a minus. So again, what is this revelation today? Realizing how big God truly is and how small all these people truly are. We can't go by what things look like because he says over and over what things are seen are just temporary.
He's been telling us that what we see is subject to change. What we see is not actually how it appears to be. He's been telling us that. That's what he's been saying to us as it says scripturally. We are supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. So I'm also gonna go
Let's see here. Hold on a minute because I have several of them in for the sake of time. Let's go over to Isaiah 40 and verse 5 Isaiah 40 and verse 5 and the glory and majesty and splendor of the Lord shall be revealed and all the flesh shall See it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it guys been talking about his glory and all the world is gonna see it He's been saying that they're going to see his hand, they're going to see his glory, and we are going to see it.
Because out of the mouth of God, he has spoken it. And so, when people say, this is never going to happen. God spoke this. Right here, I'm going to say this again. And the glory and majesty and splendor of the Lord shall be revealed. How awesome God is, how powerful God is, how mighty God is, how he is the most high God.
How his glory, again, his glory is his manifested presence. His power and his goodness And then he says right here is revealed and the flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the lord has Spoken it so we are going to see it together How big God is remember he's been saying in different prophecies that he's going to show the world who he is And not a version of him and then jump down to isaiah chapter 40 and verse 8 And it says here the grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of God will stand Forever now, you know the ai you know, all the globals are trying to change the bible.
They're trying to change God's words No, no, no God's word will stand forever. No matter how much they're trying to do this stuff They're trying to manipulate they're trying to deceive to try and twist God's words. That's no God's words are going to stand forever No one is going to outsmart or overthrow God.
The creation is not more powerful than the creator. Alright, now I'm going to go back over this prophetic word again, because there's a lot of good things in this prophetic word. I mean, there's a, there's powerful things in every word that he's been giving. Alright, now he says, This is the first paragraph.
My children, I Am telling you this day that things in this year will be more and more unusual, more unprecedented, more unconventional than any other time you've ever experienced. Now remember what it means. It's not normal. Never happened before. You know, and so again, let's look up that word. I got to look up that word unprecedented again,
because that one is just sticking out to me more than I don't know why the other two are, but this one's sticking out to me more unprecedented. Never done or known before. So he's saying this year, things are going to happen that have been never done or known before. Then he says, it's more unconventional than any other time you've ever experienced.
This is a time where my hand is moving, my army is marching towards your enemies and annihilating everything they are doing and everything they stand for. Now, when you ever, now you can look up and do a study of the hand of God. There's many different scriptures about the hand of God in the Bible. And when you see the reference to the hand of God, remember that means Placing judgment on one side and placing blessing on the other.
So he is placing judgment against the enemies of almighty God. And then he's placing blessing on the children of almighty God. Okay. So whenever you see the reference of his hand, then that's a great, that's a great teaching. When you go and you have a great revelation of that is the hand of almighty God.
And you realize how many times he referenced his hand. Even remember with Moses, When they were stuck by the Red Sea and Moses is like freaking out and somebody has everybody else, you know, we're stuck here and Pharaoh's gonna come get us. And God says, is my hand waxed short? Does that mean, is his hand not powerful anymore?
You saw what he did to get you out of Egypt. Now all of a sudden, his hand's not gonna do that again. His hand's not powerful anymore. He lost all his power out of his hand. No, his hand is not wag short. He still has his mighty hand, his mighty power that will do the same thing he just did. So we should never question not only the willingness, especially that the ability of God, but the willingness of almighty God, God can, and God will.
Now most people will not question the ability that God can, but they will question if he will. Well, God can and God will, there's several different scriptures about that too. All right, now let's read the second paragraph. He says, my children, I Am moving and things will appear so unprecedented. Now he's using that word again, not known.
Let's read that again. Not never done or known before. He says, my child, I'm moving in and things will appear so unprecedented. That means never done or known before. And people will continue to say, what in the world is going on? I'm a supernatural God. Now, listen, I'm a supernatural guy and natural things upon this earth.
that are holding you will no longer hold you or keep you under your enemy's captivity. What does that mean? A supernatural God is above natural things. So if natural things are holding you and natural things are keeping you in a bondage or captivity, his supernatural destroys that natural. It trumps it.
It outweighs it. It destroys it. It annihilates it. It's nothing remember a drop in the bucket. It's nothing. It's a minus compared to God So then he says and this third paragraph you are no longer slaves to your enemy or anyone Trying to control this earth my children know who you are in me now know how much authority I've given to you upon this Earth you should know that I'm gonna stop right there for a second Luke 10 and 19, he is giving you all power and authority, above all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you.
So if you want to know how much power and authority that God has given to you, read Luke 10, 19, and also Genesis 1, 26 28, look up the Classic Amplified Version, you can Google that, and you can find out, in verse 26 it says, Complete authority. He's given us complete authority and dominion. He's given us all power over all the power that the enemy possesses, but it's not this is not taught in churches But this is scriptural it's in the word and God's people are he's telling God's people He said hey the lord is saying you need to know how much authority i've given to you Remember you have the name above every name You have the name of Jesus, and the name of Jesus is above every other name.
So if you know how much power and authority you have, you know that the name of Jesus is above every name, and you know that you have a blood covenant with God, do a study on covenants, on blood covenants, and how important they are. And God's covenant, He will not break. So then he goes on to say, this is still the third paragraph, This earth has been given to you, not them.
Everything in this earth is yours, children of Almighty God. None of it belongs to your enemies. So that's also scriptural and the scripture that comes up in my spirit when I'm reading this is Psalm 115 in verse 16, Psalm 115 in verse 16 says that he's given the earth, the children of men. Okay. The heavens are the Lord's, but he's given the earth to the children of men.
Let me go back. Instead of quoting it, I'll go back and read it.
Yep, 16 Psalm 115 verse 16 the heavens even the heavens are the Lord's but the earth He has given to the children of men. What does that mean? He's given the earth over to his children He's given you complete authority power Dominion he's given you the name above every name. He's given you a blood covenant.
He destroyed the power of your enemy He's given you his armor. He's given you the power His power, his strength. What else do we need? He's given us his word, which is the greatest weapon on this earth. The sword of the spirit. That's the word of God. So again, what else do we need? He's reminding us of how much power we actually have.
Then he says, this is the fourth paragraph. This is a time where unprecedented, now he said this again, unprecedented things that are never done or known before, unusual and unconventional things are taking place one after another. Everything is changing course and everything is shifting hands from the hands of the wicked to your hands, my children.
Now what's going to shift hands? Now, look, what are you saying? Now it's shifting hands to who are prepared for it and who are believing for it. Just like the children of Israel. There was a great wealth that was transferred and not only would they have that wealth of all of Egypt, but then they were going to go into a promised land where there was more than enough, but not all of them went because they didn't believe and they didn't prepare their hearts for it.
They gave up with what they saw and this will happen again. He said who are prepared for it and who are believing for it. A great transfer is taking place. Of what? Of wealth, land, businesses, even congregations from the hands of the wicked. Because the church, because of legalism and indoctrination and things, the enemy's gotten into the congregations.
People behind the pulpit, they were using it for a job, and I was calling, and they definitely weren't called by God, and they were doing that to deceive people. And God's going to expose it. He said everything that can be shaken will be shaken. He will expose the congregations. He'll expose the churches.
That were not for him now, then he says the congregations from the hands of the wicked Then he says gold silver and inventions stop gold silver one. Explanation of that in a scripture that can back that up is haggai chapter two in verse six through nine That's another great scripture by him shaking the nations He says everything is changing just like it did in the book of exes from my people This time is, will be much greater than that.
So once again, I say, stand, fight, resist, push back, deny, forbid, use authority I have given to you against your enemies. It says, a great battle is coming to an end. All that you see and all that you've been fighting against, a great exodus will be experienced and great celebrations will follow. Again, a great exodus, he's talking about everything that has been in the hands of the wicked has been given over to us.
That's, that's also our freedoms. Now he's saying explosive information is about to come out regarding Anheuser Busch. Now, this is like the third, I think, prophecy about Anheuser Busch. Okay. He says, I had said the same in company before. Many secrets are lurking behind closed doors and those doors are about to be opened and more companies will be exposed just like them.
So there's more regarding what they're doing. It's not just. You know, they have beer, you know, and, and drinks or whatever, there's something going on behind them that many secrets are looking behind those closed doors and he's going to reveal it. And then this paragraph is a huge one because he says a great shaking is coming for corporate America, a great shaking on wall street and in the banking industry, it's all falling apart.
I'm exposing every person in your government that has manipulated or been manipulated. Then conspired with banks, which they have and companies and foreign governments against this nation. Our government has been manipulated or manipulated people and they have conspired with banks and companies and foreign governments against this nation.
And that's hard to hear, but it's true. It will all come out before your eyes and I will show you who has been paid and I will expose all the funny money and blood money. A shaking of truth is coming that will tear apart Washington. Now that's to talk about Washington, DC, as we know, and all of them, their lies are sabotaged treason and their theft against American people.
It's all over for them. And they are about to find that out. Why? Because just like I read in those scriptures and Isaiah, there are dropping a bucket, they're nothing. They're a minus compared to him. Now, this one was very interesting as well, because this is not the first time he's mentioned the federal reserve.
He's mentioned it several times, but he went more in depth about the federal reserve this time. Then he has in the past, he said, truth is coming for the federal reserve, explosive truth on what they are, why, excuse me, why they were formed, who controls them, how much financial damage they have purposely done to the American people and this nation, a great debt was brought on purpose and strategically done to bankrupt this nation to destroy it for their reset.
But they don't know I'm a debt canceling God and their plans will not be finished or completed because my hand is moving to expose and destroy their power over this nation state, the Lord of hosts. And he told us before and other prophecies, the federal reserve was never meant to be in this country, period.
The end, the federal reserve was never meant to be after they made this country a corporation, all these other evil entities came in to existence and they were never meant to be. And we're going to find that out and we're going to find out why. They exist and who controls them. Now he says secrets. Yes.
Many secrets are about to come out of the white house. Secrets about Biden. Oh Kamala about Obama, about everyone working for them. Their lines of communication have been tapped by me. Now remember, God's been saying that he's infiltrated infiltrators. Now he's saying he's tapped their communication lines.
And then he said surveillance videos, emails, text messages, explosive video is coming forward on how they've conspired to steal yet another election, how they conspired against my David and this nation. I will expose every connection to George Soros. And he's mentioned George Soros a lot too. And how his money has helped bring down this nation and destroy your freedoms.
And then he goes on to say, and he talks about more. I will expose Bill Gates and his money and how he has had a part in it all. I will expose fully Mark Zuckerberg and his part. I will expose Jeff Bezos and his part. Along with many globalists like Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari. All social media platforms, their lies and deception.
Along with how they have been spying and surveilling you. We've been, we've been under surveillance and we didn't know about it. That's it. That's what he's telling you and how they destroyed your privacy to control you. Even more. I'm destroying their control and their surveillance over you. My children, this great silence is coming and you will see to defeat the enemy.
That's why there has to be a great silence is to destroy their, their control over us. They're surveilling us and destroying our privacy. And he's saying that's why the silence is coming So stand alert at all times because unusual unprecedented unconventional things are about to take place for your deliverance So again God's on the move That's what this tells me and he's about to do things that have never been done before So I hope this encouraged you seriously because God is Every single time now again, I tell you all the time don't take my word for it get into the word of God Getting to the scriptures read the scriptures that he gave out today Okay, read those scriptures and get this revelation To encourage you that God is the one in control and not the people that we are saying Well, I want to pray over each and every one of you heavenly father right now in jesus name I just want to pray over each and every person at the sound of my voice I thank you father God that they are getting a greater revelation of how big you truly are but also also how good You really are I thank you father God for showing yourself so strong on their behalf I thank you father God for revelation upon revelation upon revelation father God that they are receiving with all these Prophetic words that they're receiving with all the scriptures that you are giving out for this very day in this very hour All these teachings father God that you have for each and every one of us We praise you and we thank you father God that you have set us all apart There's such a time as this and we're calling in and uniting in the body of christ We're calling a strengthening in the body of christ We're calling in father God that the sleeping giant is fully awakened to your power and to your glory And we thank you father God that right now you are showing each and every one of them how they are important To this very time into this very hour and the outpouring of your glory upon this earth And what you're about to do and always unconventional unprecedented and unusual ways And we thank you father God that we will not be moved in jesus name.
Amen. And amen We hope to encourage you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day!
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