Elizabeth Warren Supports IRS Audits Of Private Jet Use (Except For Maybe… Herself)

11 months ago

In addition to monitoring working-class folks who make deposits of more than $600, the expanded IRS is also reportedly going to audit private jet usage of business executives: IRS to ramp up audits of private jet usage https://thehill.com/business/4480872-irs-to-ramp-up-audits-of-private-jet-usage/ -- “The Internal Revenue Service said Wednesday it’s ramping up audits of corporate jets to collect more in unpaid taxes as part of its push to increase enforcement on wealthier taxpayers. The tax collection agency will conduct three dozen to four dozen audits of companies and wealthy individuals who may be flying in corporate jets for leisure while noting their trips down as a business expense to reduce their taxes. The audits will target aircraft used by large corporations, partnerships and wealthy taxpayers and probe whether they’ve been dishonestly designating business trips, IRS officials said Wednesday.”

Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren is thrilled by that news and also happy: Elizabeth Warren: “It’s not rocket science: rich executives shouldn’t get business tax breaks when they use corporate jets for personal travel. Now that the IRS has the resources, it’s cracking down on wealthy tax cheats. PS: Republicans in Congress want to help the rich with IRS funding cuts.” -- Does the government ever audit the private jet usage of politicians or other public officials? -- I still remember when you were trying to hide behind your staffer flying private jets. Strange! Flying on a private jet doesn't worsen climate change as long as a privileged Democrat is aboard! Private jets for me, trains for everyone else! That's their basic end goal: You will have nothing (to save everybody from climate change of course) and like it while the lib elites laugh it up aboard their private jets.

It’s not tax cheating if the law allows it. By the way how did you get so Wealthy on a Senator’s salary? Maybe they should start with you and your pathetic high flying cronies. Perhaps Sen. Warren should have President Biden lecture those billionaires he likes to stay with while on vacation about paying their "fair share." Elizabeth Warren: “Now that the IRS has the resources, it’s cracking down on wealthy tax cheats.” - Reality: Biden’s IRS is going after the poor more than the rich. https://www.forbes.com/sites/eriksherman/2023/01/29/the-irs-continues-to-focus-its-audits-on-poor-people-not-millionaires/amp/ -- The IRS will certainly go after the low-hanging fruit that can't afford armies of tax attornies to defend themselves, no matter what Dems like Warren want everybody to believe.

Twitchy: Elizabeth Warren Supports IRS Audits of Private Jet Use (Except Maybe THIS One)

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