PATRIOTS OR COWARDS?: Nazis March Down Streets Of Nashville & Flee After Being Challenged

1 year ago

Feb 19, 2024
Neo-Nazis marched through downtown Nashville, Tennessee while chanting slurs and carrying flags with swastikas. Dr. Rashad Richey and Jackson White discuss on Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

"A small group of neo-Nazis marched in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Saturday, drawing a few vocal opponents and ultimately leaving following a challenge. The Nazis, all men, wore red long sleeved t shirts and black pants. They were color coordinated and some carried black Nazi flags. So this is the rebranded Nazi Party. Okay, they went to target. They got red shirts, black pants, and they now have new flags." ~@Rashad_Richey

Original video by @IndisputableTYT on YouTube.

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