Ukraine Caught Between Russian Guns and U.S. Abortion Demands

11 months ago

How has the war with Russia changed pro-life work in Ukraine? Why is this the best time to promote life and family? And do Americans really understand Ukrainian values?

On today's episode, Genia Samborska (HLI's affiliate in Ukraine) and Valentyna Pavsyukova join us for an in-depth discussion about the fight for life and family in Ukraine. Discover Ukraine's conservative values, hear stories of ex-abortionist's profound conversions, and find out how Genia shut down illegal abortion pill distribution in neighboring Poland.

Donate to HLI and help Genia's work in Ukraine! Send your best gift here:

Chalice of Mercy:


00:00:00 Intro
00:01:50 Soviet Anti-Life Influence
00:04:13 Russian Invasion
00:06:10 American Influence
00:07:20 Is Russia Really Pro-Family?
00:09:38 Is Ukraine Liberal?
00:11:40 OB/GYN Pilgrimages
00:13:10 Is Abortion Legal?
00:15:25 Ex-Abortionist Conversions
00:24:15 2nd Conversion Story
00:32:50 Best Time to Defend Life and Family?
00:37:11 Abortion Pills in Poland
00:48:30 A Secret Phone Call
00:52:32 HLI Ukraine's Mission
00:58:40 American Perception of Ukraine
01:03:25 Upcoming Pro-Life Bill
01:07:00 Chalice of Mercy

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