Gemini Meltdown, Assange Extradition, IRS A**holes - LL#63

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Google's new AI art generator is exactly what you'd think it would be
US is trying once more to extradite Julian Assange
OMG catch IRS agent admitting their arbitrary use of force and audits

Liberty Libations is a two hour late-night show dissecting the past week’s news, culture, and politics with a freedom-focused bent. With weekly trivia, “Drunkard of the Week,” and much more, tune in every Thursday night at 8PM Eastern and raise a glass to going down the rabbit hole.

Hosted by Jake Green and joined by regulars Steven Hilton, Nick Ciesieslki, Zane Placie, & Alden Hardee. Producer Zach Varnell.

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Brought to you by The Libertarian Party of Georgia
Twitter: @LPGeorgia
Instagram: @LibertarianPartyofGeorgia
Facebook: LPGeorgia

Produced by Peaceful Sea Productions
Instagram: @PeacefulSeaProductions
Twitter: @PeacefulSeaProd
Rumble: Peaceful Sea Productions
YouTube: @PeacefulSea

Opening Song courtesy of CSM
“Candle in the Dark”
Written by Casey Sabol & Jay Denton
Performed by Casey Sabol

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