Episode 1890: The Divine Gift: Exploring Faith and Beatific Vision

6 months ago

The Divine Gift: Exploring Faith and Beatific Vision
Today, we embark on a journey through the words of two revered figures in Christian theology, St. Alphonsus Liguori and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Our first quote comes from St. Alphonsus Liguori, who reminds us, "Let us thank God for having called us to His holy faith. It is a great gift, and the number of those who thank God for it is small." In these words, St. Alphonsus draws our attention to the preciousness of faith and the gratitude that should fill our hearts for being recipients of such a divine gift.
Faith is often described as a journey—a journey of seeking, understanding, and surrendering. It's a journey that begins with a call, a beckoning of the soul toward something greater than itself. St. Alphonsus invites us to reflect on this calling and to acknowledge the grace bestowed upon us by embracing the faith.
But why is faith considered such a great gift? St. Alphonsus suggests that it's because through faith, we are led to encounter the divine. It opens the door to a deeper understanding of God's love, mercy, and presence in our lives. Yet, as St. Alphonsus notes, the number of those who truly appreciate this gift is small—a poignant reminder of the importance of gratitude in our spiritual journey.
Now, let's turn our attention to the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, who speaks of the ultimate end of man as beatitude. He says, "[The] ultimate end of man we call beatitude. For a man’s happiness or beatitude consists in the vision whereby he sees God in His essence."
St. Thomas Aquinas offers us profound insights into the concept of beatitude—the state of supreme happiness and blessedness. At the heart of beatitude lies the beatific vision—the direct, intuitive knowledge of God's essence. It's the culmination of our deepest longing—to behold God in His fullness, to be enveloped in His divine light.
However, St. Thomas also reminds us of the vast difference between God's beatitude and ours. While God possesses beatitude inherently, we attain it through our participation in His divine light. It's a humbling realization that highlights the infinite distance between the Creator and the created.
Yet, despite this disparity, the invitation to partake in the divine life remains. Through faith, we are granted glimpses of the beatific vision, moments where the veil between the earthly and the heavenly is lifted, and we catch a glimpse of the divine glory.
As we reflect on the words of St. Alphonsus Liguori and St. Thomas Aquinas, let us remember the preciousness of faith and the profoundness of the beatific vision. May we cultivate hearts of gratitude for the gift of faith and strive for the ultimate end of beatitude—where we are united with God in perfect love and bliss for all eternity.
Until next time, may your journey be filled with faith, hope, and an ever-deepening awareness of the divine presence in your life. Now go out there during lent and convert somebody. Good Day!

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