Core Exercises: Plank variations

1 year ago

Exercise Plank Variations
Equipment: No equipment
Movement Type: Core
Body Focus: Total Body

Start position in the traditional plank position, resting on your forearms. Push up onto the right then left hand and hold the high plank position with shoulder, elbow, and wrists aligned. Reverse, lower, and repeat. If you are not able for this movement to start, try simply staying in the plank position, resting on your forearms with your knees under your hips.

Side plank:
Start in a top plank position, hands under the shoulders, move your bodyweight, and rotate your torso to the right. For challenging progression slowly lift the right hand straight up then the right leg all the while keeping the hips up. Stack the shoulders in a straight line over the elbow with the left arm extended above the body towards the ceiling and stack the feet with the left foot on top of the right. Squeeze the muscles of the stomach and glutes and keep the body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position for the desired amount of time before switching to the other side.

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