World Health Organization Treaty and IHR Amendments Explained by Dr David Bell

3 months ago

In May 2024 bureaucrats from each nation, most of whom have no elected position, and many of whom are beneficiaries of the pharmaceutical industry, will convene at the World Health Assembly to sign off on new World Health Organization legislation. This legislation is a large new infrastructure which essentially intends to establish a biosecurity state. The existing International Health Regulations (IHRs) are being amended, behind closed doors since February 2023, and will essentially be transformed into brand new international laws requiring mass surveillance systems and implementations which contravene basic public health principles. The Accord, or Treaty, puts funding and infrastructure in place to make this happen.

Dr David Bell is an Infectious Disease specialist who has held positions at WHO, Gates Foundation and other large organisations involved in establishing these global laws. He spoke about the situation in this two hour interview with Dr Ahmad Malik, who is an orthopaedic surgeon who lost his right to practice after speaking out against the medical injuries he was seeing in his patients in 2022.


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