Disney Leak PROVES They HATE Their Audience and Will Never Change!

1 year ago

Call it a reboot, retool, overhaul or renovation, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is making it's final grasp at relevance by deploying Deadpool and Wolverine, the Fantastic Four and X-Men to compensate for a disastrous Phase 4 and 5. Bomb after bomb, failure after failure, changes are being made and practices are getting changed, but is it enough to make a difference? Not if they fail to rip out the rot from the root.

A leaked communication from an executive shows how deep the disdain runs. The movies aren't bad, according to the unnamed suit, rather the audiences are to bigoted and misogynistic to listen to the enlightened propaganda designed for a modern audience.

So no, Disney does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. They have to earn back trust and the audience and things like this aren't a sign of good things to come.

The Hollywood Reporter: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/marvel-fantastic-four-avengers-movies-1235830951/
Hollywood in Toto: https://www.hollywoodintoto.com/disney-racist-sexist-fans/

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#MCU #Marvel #Disney #FantasticFour #Deadpool #Deadpool3 #DeadpoolandWolverine #XMen #DisneyMarvel #Hollywood

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