Three Chapters of Joe Biden: Before, As Candidate, and After

3 months ago

They are. So I said this early this morning, but I think you can you can sort of you tell this story in in in three parts, three chapters. There's there's before Joe Biden's candidate for president. There's the time when he is candidate for president. And then there's, of course, the things that have happened, the events that have happened while he's been been president. And I think today we're largely going to focus on that pre candidate time. I call that the money, the business, the brand. And that'll be the focus, I think, of today's questioning, specifically relative to Jim Biden's involvement, James Biden's involvement with CFC AmeriCorps. There was a big story about that. So we're going to look at all that information, I think, today. I think it's interesting some of the facts we've already picked up from Mr. Walker, Mr. Bobulinski, specifically regarding the Chinese energy company, CFC. It's like that deal doesn't get finalized until Joe Biden shows up at the floor, sees and get a drop by and gives a little short presentation to all the people there, the eight people from Chinese, Chinese executives at CFC and Hunter Biden and his business partners. So I think we'll dig into those kind of things in today's thing. But we'll also look. Some of the other information I think is important to while Biden's candidate, you know, the lies, the campaign, the rigged election, that's the 51 former Intel officials and how that played. And then, of course, there's the while he's been president, I think that is the obstruction, the cover up and, of course, the sweetheart deal. Chairman Gordon, what do you think of this new Northern Biden? Well, I mean, it is what it is, so it doesn't change the fundamental facts. We got there are four fundamental facts that. Hunter Biden gets put on the board of Burisma. He's not qualified to be on the board. He gets he gets put on that board and gets paid a million dollars a year. Second, as I said, he's not qualified to be on the board. He said so himself. Third, in Dubai on December 4th, 2015, the executives at Burisma, Mr. Zolotchevsky, Mr. Pazarski specifically asked Hunter Biden, can you weigh in with D.C. and help us with the pressure we are facing from the prosecutor general in Ukraine? Hunter Biden makes a call. Devin Archer told us he made a call to his dad, to Joe Biden. And then three days later, Joe Biden goes to Ukraine and conditions the release of American tax money on the firing of the prosecutor, applying the pressure to the company that Hunter Biden set on the board of. Those facts, they don't change what regardless of what this this confidential human source has said. That this informant now charged with some of the most corroborating evidence. Yeah, it did corroborate what I just said there, but it didn't change the facts. Those allegations from the FD 1023 are now found to all be lies. So how does that impact the investigation? I think you should ask that. You should ask the FBI why they were so reluctant. They told us if we don't when we wanted to see the 1023, said this could jeopardize national security, the safety of this confidential human source. You can't know his name. They didn't want to show it to us. Then they finally did. I mean, this is a guy they paid, I think, since 2010. So 14 years they've been paying this guy and he's a trusted source. And now we find out. Plus, I think there's sort of the you know, when Christopher Steele lied to the FBI about President Trump, he gets paid more. When Smirnoff lies to the FBI about President Biden, he gets indicted. I mean, go figure. So it doesn't change the fundamental facts. It does change the facts. Those are no longer facts. Those are not true. The four things I just said, they're absolutely true. Did Hunter Biden get put on the board of Burisma? Yes. Was he paid a million dollars a year? Yes. Did Joe Biden condition the release of tax money for the firing of the prosecutor was applying the pressure? Yes. All those all four of those things are facts. Absolutely. Regardless of what the confidential human source may or may not have said. What do you make of Smirnoff's connections to Rucker? We'll find out. That's obviously. You know, David Weiss, the special counsel, said he may be trying to influence this year's presidential election. I will tell you this, Scott Brady, when Scott Brady, U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, when we talked to him, he had actually checked out the confidential human source where he traveled to, when he traveled to and said that he felt he had the initial credibility. David Weiss thinks otherwise. David Biden, we'll have to see. Do you expect Jim Biden to be candid today? We'll see. I mean, Rob Walker, Rob Walker, when we ask him who, who, you know, the email that he's copied on 10 percent for the big guy, we ask him who's the big guy. He says, I don't know. So he wasn't too candid. I mean, I think everyone knows who the big guy is. So we'll see what what Jim Biden's like. Do you think the FBI acted or DOJ acted abruptly in bringing Smirnoff? Do you think they did? No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying that I'm just I'm just saying it doesn't change the underlying facts.

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