WarStrike Episode 8

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WARSTRIKE Episode 8 - Our Despotic Jewdicial System

Striker and Warren demonstrate the extent of our system’s contempt for whites through its policy and product from recent nationwide effects of unfettered illegal immigration under Biden to the unveiling of Google Gemini.

While the Jewish mainstream media decries Alexei Navalny’s death, Striker and Warren point to the ongoing persecution of political prisoner Robert Rundo by the so-called American justice system—the latest in the police state’s active ideological repression of white activists.

00:02:00 - Ridiculously Blatant Anti-White Google Gemini
00:10:00 - Shocking Numbers on Illegal Immigration under Biden
00:16:00 - Radical Tweets of Google Gemini Product Lead Jack Krawczyk
00:25:00 - Political Persecution of Rob Rundo and Arbitrary Cases of FBI Arrests
00:48:45 - FBI Infiltration of Antifa
00:54:00 - US Justice System Retribution against White Self-Defense
01:02:45 - “How China Stifles Dissent with a KGB or Stasi of its Own” by The Economist (Yes, really)
01:51:00 - Demagogues Come to Power When People are Hurt and Desperate
02:12:00 - Striker’s View on Jewish Coup against Biden
02:29:00 - Superchats

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