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  • Dr. Ardis needs to meet up with the real Donald Trump and get the damages done by his roll out of the vax turned around. Dr. Artis should win the Nobel Prize if it wasn't another part of the criminal system infecting the world!

  • Thank You Dr BA & CW. Awesome

  • God woke me up over 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I didn't want medicine, I wanted to know how it came to be and what could I do to reverse it. No one was helping me. I got a hold of Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" and my journey began. God uses things in our life to get us on the road he needs us to be on. Next, my baby was hurt by a childhood vaccine. Praise God he bounced back, but that lead me down the road to researching childhood vaccines, that was 23 years ago and I have been talking to any and everyone who would listen since. People have the right to be informed before making decisions that could affect the rest of their lives and those of their children. There is no freedom where there is suppression of information. Thank you Dr. Ardis, God bless you for your courage, keep speaking truth, that truth has set many free from the lies of the medical industry!

  • Vapers too! No vaper I know got covID.

  • How do we contact Dr. Ardis?

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  • how do i contact doctor brian ardis

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  • How do I contact Dr. Brian Ardis

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  • SO glad I discovered you!! Your love for folks to see and have real restoration is REMARKABLE!! Thank you!! OK ~ WOndering now... can one put a nicotine patch on skin cancer?

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  • UN AGENDA 21 - UN AGENDA 2030 = 179+ countries Politicians signed these Agreements to Reduce the world Population by 90% - Georgia Guide Stones - no more than 500 Million People - Many of these same people are still in Government or have other positions of power in the many Agencies = Doctors are speaking out - THE JAB = already more than 17+ Million dead that could rise to 20 Million a Year in the next 5 years - 2+ Billion People have health problems or injuries - Nano Particles - Dancing Hydro Gel - Graphene Oxide (black goo) that coats the Red Blood Cells making it harder to absorb Oxygen - Spike Proteins that cause Blood Clots and Heart Attacks , Inflammation of the Brain , Strokes and Seizures - 5 G Micro Chip Technology that sends data up to the satellites as the Cells deteriorate and Die - A constant Attack to destroy the Immune System - Snake Venom & Metal Particles that cause Cancer found in 1.2 Million doses in Japan - Now , Embalmers report finding large Fibrous Strands growing in the Major Arteries blocking the Blood Circulation and causing Sudden Death - Sodium Azide , a poison found on the swabs of the Home Test Kits - In our Winter Flu Shots test have been finding Traces of Mercury - Dr Judy Mikovits - Health Experts 40+ years said since 2009 Big Pharma has been putting MRNA that alters your DNA in the Winter Flu Shots - MRNA was never approved for use anywhere in the world but now this is DEEP STATE MANDATED ! NUREMBERG CODE 2.0 = Crimes Against Humanity for the Use of Bio Weapons - War Criminals = Dr Reiner Fuellmich - the Chairman and 1000+ lawyers in Germany have started proceedings to Hear the Evidence - THIS MUST NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN = IN GOD WE TRUST