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TheDimNews LIVE: Happy Presidents' Day!
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.
MudderFetcher :r+catjam: :r+catjam: :r+catjam:
RonGreen1 Just the quacks, mam. - Sgt. Duck Friday
Qriist Supporter FIRST
RonGreen1 Betterish. The new word of the day.
Alex can't be VP, she isn't nearly sloshed enough. This makes her First Gamer by default.
MudderFetcher cats are naturally attracted to rolling chairs because they live dangerously
MudderFetcher Beverly's Horny Animal Farm sounds like quite the vacation destination
Qriist Supporter ORIFICE.
TunedToKey Hello fellow twats
You should launch a product line! I bet there's a significant market for goose billdos. Get that bag gurl. 💰️
Qriist Supporter lol
omg 2 gaybo lesbians streaming
MudderFetcher the time on Salty's stream was ALL messed up
MudderFetcher said he was streaming for 20,000 days lol
RonGreen1 That counter is annoying.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Hey girls, love you both
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev, some members of your family are whores
RonGreen1 It's a good idea to know who your cousins are before dating.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ duckas walk better than your president
MudderFetcher it's the Alex Show
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ bev is back
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's the ALex and Missy show, GET FUCKING DOWN MISSY NOOPP
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I was so happy when I saw dim side on rumble, I was going to just fuck off to bed
MudderFetcher do NOT drink for each Biden Bumble unless you have an ambulance on standby
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I have alex on standby to do chest thumping and humping, but it's my groin, sorry, my son hunter, a tampax, and umm what
JQuickDraw Supporter I can't keep up lol. Sorry, busy cleaning, thought I had til 9:30
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ JQD is a mexican cleaner
Qriist Supporter this is painful
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ this is your leader lol
TunedToKey This is sad, Qriist, and elderly abuse
MudderFetcher 81 million totally legit votes
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ your forefathers fought tooth and nail and gave blood and flesh to be independant, and you elect this....
Qriist Supporter "Elect" is a strong word.
TunedToKey ^^^^
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ @erect'
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ TTK, you sexy beast, how you doing mate?
TunedToKey Doing well. How about yourself?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'm still trying to get into alex's knickers dude
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ failing
TunedToKey LOL
TunedToKey I think she friendzoned you a while back
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you have to wait a few sex for alex to read the chat lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sex, not, secs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ seconds
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ not sex
Qriist Supporter TTK: you're not wrong, it's definitely elder abuse. Hard to have sympathy for Joe (the man) when Biden (the politician) was such a corrupt slimeball.
Qriist Supporter Still, the people perpetuating this should be prosecuted.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ why did you retarded americans elect that pedo?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ like, just, why?
RonGreen1 Biden is an example of why you never let grandpa say grace at the Thanksgiving table. You'd starve to death.😂
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no-one wanted him, except the democrat machine behind obama
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex isnt white lol, she italian
TunedToKey I sent you a DM, Erly
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ bev is more white ffs
TunedToKey Very true, Qriist. Part of Biden reminds me of my grandpa when he lost his mine
TunedToKey mind*
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ don't dm everly, the ginger reads them first
TunedToKey I am a gentleman, and would never wreck a home. Plus, I met the GInger and he rules as much as Beverly
MudderFetcher those same people are whipping up the Russia stuff again right now
MudderFetcher they like to "forget" that their Russians were Obama State Department informants a decade ago
TunedToKey How about the FBI claiming that the informant about the Burisma bribes was lying right after the impeachment of Biden goes through
Remember, the FBI was a *significant* part of Twitter's in-house personnel prior to Elon Musk's purchase. This strongly suggests government interference in the Free-est and Fairest Election Ever.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Elon is rich and can't be bought
TunedToKey Project LockStep
Qriist Supporter ngl I'm glad Musk is autistic af
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she blocks herself out
TunedToKey You use margarine? GROSS, ERLY
MudderFetcher I just dip my store-bought bread in soda to make it healthy
TunedToKey God made butter for a reason
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ margerine is fucking disgusting and wrong
TunedToKey Yep
TunedToKey Seed oil poison
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ exactly
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ trust a brown cunt to use marg over butter
TunedToKey There is a new study that found that seed oil gets stored in fat cells
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she drinking margerine
TunedToKey Sourdough is the best bread, FITE ME
MudderFetcher love a good sourdough
TunedToKey There are usually 3-5 ingredients in sourdough
TunedToKey I use that when I make burgers
JQuickDraw Supporter When I was young, I would make potato chip and mustard sandwiches on wonder bread. Don't judge.
MudderFetcher my wife buys all kinds of weird frozen vegan bread
TunedToKey Wonder Bread always stuck to the roof of my mouth
TunedToKey Vegan bread????!?!?!
MudderFetcher burger buns, biscuits, all kinds of's all nasty lol
MudderFetcher Barilla makes really good gluten free pasta
TunedToKey True
TunedToKey The options for people with Ciliacs are pretty good now
TunedToKey They used to be terrible
thrasybulus Imprison the gluten. Don't let it go free.
TunedToKey Dang it, Alex, Just eat steak and stop torturing yourself
TunedToKey Sorgheum us GF
Qriist Supporter mmm steak
MudderFetcher like Alex, my wife, has ALL of the allergies lol
TunedToKey I made a ribeye for dindin and it turned all my bad feelings into good feelings
TunedToKey Does she have cooties, too, Mudder?
thrasybulus Is Soylent Green gluten free? I hear it now has more people and is WEF approved.
MudderFetcher definitely cooties
TunedToKey That article talking about cannibalisms made me laugh so hard
MudderFetcher Eincorn is the one true corn!
TunedToKey Can you have sourdough, Alex?
TunedToKey I like these food chats
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator A little bit of sourdough.
TunedToKey I heard that most people with gluten issues can eat ancient recipes for sourdough with the 3-5 ingredients
TunedToKey Memba when Erly was licking her fingers and the table as she was icing her Christmas cookies?
MudderFetcher Sourdough Jack maybe?
MudderFetcher "I'm allergic to everything. Now bring me one of everything!"
TunedToKey I watched Beverly drink cups and cups of ranch
TunedToKey No one could stop her
TunedToKey Even the chef came out to make sure she was ok
RonGreen1 Eat anything you like. As much as you like. Why die healthy?
thrasybulus Oysters are considered an aphrodesiac. High in zinc which is a critical testosterone precursor.
TunedToKey I started doing high doses of zinc the last 3 years, and my weight lifting as reached a new level every year since
JQuickDraw Supporter To do vegan, you just have to remove all the taste and joy from the ingredients.
MudderFetcher eggs but she's also gluten free so frozen bullshit lol
TunedToKey LOL JQD
MudderFetcher dipping pizza crust into ranch is pretty damn yummy
MudderFetcher for the frozen vegan bread...also has to be gluten free
thrasybulus Rotation diet as it was called became a popular diet for awhile. Eat healthy for several days, then have cheat foods for a day. Stops your body from kicking in its starvation mechanism.
MudderFetcher sprinkle a little crack on your's vegan and gluten free
TunedToKey Facts
TunedToKey Call it the Hunter Special
thrasybulus @HoboEater It is basically impossible for women to get too muscular naturally. Female examples of highly muscular females are extreme outliers or take large amounts of artificial testosterone.
TunedToKey Top it with parmesan to fulfill the prophecy
MudderFetcher and sawdust
thrasybulus @HoboEater Examples being female bodybuilders and Soviet Block female Olympic athletes. Massive drug use.
TunedToKey Is Beverly HoboEater????
RonGreen1 Peanut butter and jelly in a croissant? Never take Beverly to a french restaurant.😂
MudderFetcher looks like kolaches
thrasybulus @HoboEater One East German female athlete took so much testosterone without her knowledge she started passing for male and had to legally change her sex to live as a man after the wall fell.
thrasybulus @TunedToKey Yes @HoboEater is @Beverly or @MurderGoose2028.
TunedToKey LOLOL
thrasybulus Crack is a mix of cocaine and baking soda IIRC.
thrasybulus @BeverlyNotHillbilly needs to accept her name variants.
JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe we need another segment after Cunt Corner - Basic Internet Typing & Chat How-to, or BITCH.
thrasybulus @HoboEater has hobo style eating habits. Such as eating food dropped on the ground or from the trash. I forget which of those was the original inspiration.
thrasybulus If we capitalize the T in How-To, then we need a longer acronym to spell BITCHTITS.
MudderFetcher apparently I completely made-up the eating from the trash
Guyinroom83 More like 5 day rule with Erl.
MudderFetcher I conflated the bad shrimp with trash digging
JQuickDraw Supporter If you capitalize everything, that's title case. If you capitalize nothing, that's either internet case or e e cummings case.
thrasybulus Trivia: Hobo is an abbreviation for what? What is its origin?
Guyinroom83 The president of virgin records
Guyinroom83 Bill Microsoft
MudderFetcher y'all don't have heart kidneys?
Guyinroom83 There's so much anti yosemitism
MudderFetcher ain't nothing wrong with Thighland
thrasybulus Infantroopen is Trump reverting to his German origins. Infantryman's.
thrasybulus Combat Infantryman's Bdge.
thrasybulus Yo Semite Sam makes more sense.
MudderFetcher we're just "electing" different shades of retard and that's probably what most of us deserve lol
thrasybulus @DMNameGaffer I am pleased to add a classic Athenian tint to your D&D.
MudderFetcher Obama's famous ones are "If if if if if" and "Chew Soap" (at least that I remember)
Guyinroom83 Obama's gaffes are when he droned civilians
Guyinroom83 Not as funny
thrasybulus It's Obama talking about having more leeway to cuck to Putin after his reelection.
thrasybulus Thrasybulus is an Athenian.
MudderFetcher there's a couple
MudderFetcher I do not trust his mustache
MudderFetcher it's just a search
MudderFetcher the revolver is missing....Cory must have it!
RonGreen1 Obama is a total fraud. His birth and childhood story are totally fake.
thrasybulus This remix is Obama's best speech ever.
RonGreen1 I think Obama's real father was Bush Sr.
MudderFetcher how about a little Alex Jones Remix? lol:
thrasybulus It is a common prctice to name things after the place theyre first found. Spanish Flu, German Measles, Ebola (River) Virus.
JQuickDraw Supporter Niki Minaj got into in on twitter about the vaccine I think, because people were telling her to shut up and get it.
Guyinroom83 i sure hope this song goes at least 40 min longer
MudderFetcher Minaj had a story about her cousin (?) having enlarged testicles from the vaccine
JQuickDraw Supporter Actually, I think Minaj was questioning the young people dying after the vax, I think.
Guyinroom83 doesn't minaj have a 'nonce' brother?
Guyinroom83 or was that cardi b
Guyinroom83 pedo
Guyinroom83 nonce is just a funny term they use for it, no clue why
TunedToKey Cardi B was the one that drugged men and robbed them
MudderFetcher I never forget a good testicle story damnit! lol
JQuickDraw Supporter Cardi B was the one who interviewed the president.
thrasybulus Nonce is brit for kiddie diddler.
TunedToKey Cardi B is soooo dumb
Guyinroom83 Erl and alex have been calling british people nonce's and thinking it's a compliment
TunedToKey Chew soap
Guyinroom83 is that real? wtf
TunedToKey Nice
MudderFetcher Bill Clinton Power Muff Hunter
TunedToKey Joe Biden was supposed to be casted as Pennywise in the original IT, but he denied the role
thrasybulus Dave was the movie your Civics/US Govt teacher would play in HS.
TunedToKey Is Mama Mia a musical?
TunedToKey You only said bassist to keep me interested after I heard musical
Guyinroom83 i dont think ive ever heard of the movie dave
MudderFetcher Mama Mia with a 2 drink minimum probably plays better
thrasybulus @Guyinroom83 Kevin Kline plays a guy who looks like the President who is brought in to play the President when the President has a stroke and is in a coma.
OakPoke Supporter Good evening, ladies and chat.
thrasybulus Is there such a thing a good musical? Or just good for a musical?
JQuickDraw Supporter Cop Rock, nuff said
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw What's that?
Guyinroom83 the best part is when an italian guy runs out and goes 'mamaaa miaaaaa!'
Guyinroom83 and throws spaghetti sauce at the crowd
TunedToKey Phantom of the Opera is the only good musical
JQuickDraw Supporter Cop Rock was a NYPD Blue style cop show . . . done as a musical.
MudderFetcher are good musicals like good communists?
TunedToKey Sup @OakPoke
Guyinroom83 yeah i cant watch musicals. i like abba though so that one might be more tolerable
Guyinroom83 mook of bormon
JQuickDraw Supporter The Book of More Men?
Guyinroom83 haha
Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw that's also called 'rent'
MudderFetcher closest I've ever been to seeing a musical is A Tuna Christmas
TunedToKey Andrew Lloyd Webber stop the main Phantom of the Opera riff from Pink Floyd's Meddle
TunedToKey ALW Stole the main*
JQuickDraw Supporter Didn't Beauty and the Beast also have Stockholm Syndrome?
thrasybulus I can't think of a good musical. At this point I generally just avoid movies with musical in the category listings.
TunedToKey Okay, Little Shop of Horrors was decent, too
JQuickDraw Supporter Little Shop of Horrors the movie had two different endings.
MudderFetcher Rick Moranis
Guyinroom83 i used to like nightmare before christmas, i think its a musical
Guyinroom83 havent seen it in awhile tho
Guyinroom83 seymour getting a happy ending was an awkward scene i agree
OakPoke Supporter They all become plants?
OakPoke Supporter There was a zombie fart movie...japanese movie. It was terrible.
Guyinroom83 Erl hates things that bring people joy.
OakPoke Supporter Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead..............It was sooo weird.
TunedToKey Gaston has cluster B personality disorder
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 I'll add it to my list, but if I think it's crap, I get to pick a movie in a genre you don't like for you to watch.
JQuickDraw Supporter Scrubs had a musical episode, which I liked.
OakPoke Supporter Anyone watch the musical "Repo: The Genetic Opera"??
MudderFetcher Troma? lol
JQuickDraw Supporter I thought I rented an Italian musical when I was in college - Rhythmic Sausage Stuffing. Boy was I wrong.
thrasybulus The Buffy musical episode is the only episode of that series I couldn't stand to watch.
JQuickDraw Supporter Fool me once . . . fool me won't get fooled again.
Guyinroom83 only one W gaffe?
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 Until you have the Western movie night, you are all hat no cattle on this one.
MudderFetcher Bushgaffe gonna be 15 hours
RonGreen1 Bush was a clown. Cheney was the real president.
TunedToKey Well, that wasnt a gaffe
JQuickDraw Supporter Bush was not stupid. He played the dumb hick so people would go after Rumsfeld and Cheney.
OakPoke Supporter I remember joining myspace, and ppl from highschool were rabid "bush = hitler and bush did 9/11"
MudderFetcher lmfao
MudderFetcher this fucking guy
MudderFetcher Watch this drive baby
OakPoke Supporter Waiting for him to say religion of peace
TunedToKey Now watch this drive LOLOL
Guyinroom83 funny he said it right at first but thought he was wrong
MudderFetcher sure seems like they've been really dumb pedos for quite a bit now lol
Guyinroom83 fool me can't get fooled again.
TunedToKey HAHA
JQuickDraw Supporter That last one he just said the quiet part out loud.
OakPoke Supporter Gotta give bush credit though. He spoke without teleprompters...
Guyinroom83 man I used to constantly watch his gaffe's when he was pres
thrasybulus Congress never stops thinking of ways to do America wrong.
MudderFetcher putting him on higher speed kills so much funny lol
RonGreen1 Drunk driver Bush never stopped drinking like he claimed. He was drunk everyday.
OakPoke Supporter Nah, I think he just fried his brain a little and couldn't always get the words out
Guyinroom83 that one where he dodges the show was a classic, not really a gaffe though
Guyinroom83 ..shoe
OakPoke Supporter Repo the Genetic Opera...yes, great music, good movie...I don't remember EXACTLY how it ends :)
Guyinroom83 wow, he said 'thursdee'. that's a south NJ thing
MudderFetcher W was our funniest retarded President...don't worry there will be more
Guyinroom83 damn. W may have started the lets have retarded presidents trend
MudderFetcher shoe?
JQuickDraw Supporter You know what I see in those Bush speeches? A war criminal, like all the other presidents, but also a jovial younger president who was aware enough to know when he fucked up and laugh at himself.
RonGreen1 Bush was Joe Biden before Joe Biden was.🤣
OakPoke Supporter He seemed to have more fun, W.
Guyinroom83 yeah everyone hated him bc of the iraq war
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 I recall two of them being No Name on the Bullet, and The Last Wagon.
thrasybulus GWB 2001-2009.
MudderFetcher Go ahead and throw your vote away on a third side!
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ her sticky notes are really stick
OakPoke Supporter Bush was trouble, but Kerry and gore would have probably been much worse, to be honest. I hated voting for Bush
OakPoke Supporter I couldn't bring myself to vote for Mccain, so I didn't vote.
RonGreen1 Bush was a happy drunk, so he could laugh at himself.
thrasybulus Saw someone recently show Reagan and Biden make the same joke at Coast Guard Academy graduations. Night and day.
Egerog hi
JQuickDraw Supporter I remember experimenting with alcohol in college. I didn't swallow it, and I didn't like it.
JQuickDraw Supporter What the fuck is this music? It's like the sound on a silent movie.
thrasybulus "That depends on what the meaning is is is." - Slick Willy
OakPoke Supporter That was great.
thrasybulus George H W Bush went to a state dinner with a fever and the flu and thats what happened.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Oasis
OakPoke Supporter Amazing to think Israel was blackmailing him over lewinsky and god knows what else.
MudderFetcher we've gone to shit since at least JFK
thrasybulus Watching Clinton answer questions for depositions shows you how much of a lawyer he was.
RonGreen1 You should play Reagan's chicken joke.😂
JQuickDraw Supporter "Mash Potatoes Chimichanga - Did I get it right?"
thrasybulus He closed his eyes in silent prayer like Joe Biden.
MudderFetcher Chester doing his best
MudderFetcher yeah send me that link too
RonGreen1 Ford injured his knee playing football.
thrasybulus Umbrellas do indicate rain.
OakPoke Supporter Alex needs to live in a rambler w/out any stairs
OakPoke Supporter Too much falling down the stairs it seems
MudderFetcher How to stop a US President? Gravity!
OakPoke Supporter @Mudder yeah Ford was an athlete
OakPoke Supporter Ronnie told a good joke about potatoes and communism
thrasybulus Joe Biden: Stair Humper.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User
MudderFetcher I hate myself slightly more now lmfao
thrasybulus Reagan could deliver things well. He'd been a radio announcer, a movie star, a Governor, and a political commentator doing regular public addresses before being President.
OakPoke Supporter true
thrasybulus If it were Biden they would correct the subtitles for him.
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator true
OakPoke Supporter I don't get the one about Venezuela .
OakPoke Supporter Yo, semite.
OakPoke Supporter Thigh land
OakPoke Supporter I prefer breast ville.
MudderFetcher fuck alllllll y'all I'm gonna go live in Thighland lmfao
thrasybulus @AlexDoesNotPetCatEnough has a self explainatory name.
MudderFetcher count the cuts
thrasybulus I plan on protesting Putin's murder on Navalknee by imprisoning Trump. - Joe Biden
JQuickDraw Supporter Oh fuck you, you melting golem of a man. Support America. Not Ukraine. Not Israel. America.
MudderFetcher "Government" and "Our Friends" seems very subjective
thrasybulus "We never abandon our friends." South Vietnamese and Afghans laugh.
MudderFetcher Cory?
OakPoke Supporter Mouse probably just came in for a snack
RonGreen1 Was the mouse running from a snake?
MudderFetcher maybe hug that fuckin cat
Guyinroom83 oscar the unclean.
Guyinroom83 a cloud of dirt surrounds oscar always. like pig pen of peanuts fame
JQuickDraw Supporter I think this is the followup to I Left My Heart in San Francisco - I Left My Leg in New York City.
RonGreen1 Where does a one arm man shop? At the second hand store. Where does a one leg man shop? I have no idea.
Guyinroom83 i just saw this story too
Guyinroom83 it honestly could have been a subway surfer leg
Guyinroom83 kids, after you subway surf, please make sure to take your legs and/or arms with you when you leave
OakPoke Supporter Watched an hour of Carnivale in the last week...more nudity and sex than I remember...
RonGreen1 I knew a girl that only had one leg. Her name was Ilene.
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
RonGreen1 They can find the guy that lost his leg at IHOP
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
OakPoke Supporter Brussles Sprouts
OakPoke Supporter Tranny pirates
JQuickDraw Supporter At least the cops have a leg up on finding the villain.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Eileen.
Guyinroom83 word nerd.
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
Guyinroom83 well, would they arrest a guy for losing his leg? is that illegal?
Guyinroom83 what if I want to?
JQuickDraw Supporter Arresting a guy for losing a leg would be a leg-endary prosecution.
Guyinroom83 ugh God. this city is shit
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
JQuickDraw Supporter "Hey! You there holding your penis on the corner. What are you doing?"
Guyinroom83 devils advocate. maybe he was getting frostbite on it, and had to jerk it warm
JQuickDraw Supporter A naked dude jerking off ran at him. He could have been stabbed.
RonGreen1 If you live in a big city, you will see naked people from time to time.
Guyinroom83 what an insulting crime to charge him with
Guyinroom83 'small' larceny. micro, almost.
Guyinroom83 we for sure need at least 4 more years of this
RonGreen1 I once saw a naked man that had climbed up a power pole.
RonGreen1 Forget the cops. Call an excavator if you have to defend yourself.
Guyinroom83 did you guys see the nyc subway surfers who had ANAL SEX while on top of the subway here
Egerog Glad we did't vax ourselves nor the girls. the old vax seem ok worth the risk. new ones are very sus
JQuickDraw Supporter The current battery of vaccines they give to babies is more than in years past, too much in such a short period in my opinion.
JQuickDraw Supporter Also, all science is called into question for me now. They've tested thousands of peer reviewed studies and a lot of them can't be replicated. I fear it's a house of cards.
JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Talk about "running train" lol
JQuickDraw Supporter Do you know when the sharpest drop in deaths of mothers during birth happened? When surgeons started washing their hands when going from autopsies to delivery rooms.
RonGreen1 How do the Amish stay healthy?
Egerog Cooties shot
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you girls going hard and late tonight
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex onto her onlysnot already
Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw look it up, there's even a pic of it
Guyinroom83 That's bc Erl already has many diseases. Patient zero.
Egerog Piss paw was my old cat's nickname
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ mystery meat
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ never put poop into an open wound
Guyinroom83 jenny mccarthy, bc she has an autistic kid
Guyinroom83 eh, just youtube how to raise a kid
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ An injection of sperm into an egg is the only injection a baby needs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex is ranting again, beverly, play the keytar
Guyinroom83 yeah
Guyinroom83 look up 'maple syrup urine disease'
Guyinroom83 amish are inbred as fuck
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex is ranting again, Beverly, play the keytar
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ soothe her anger with your fluttering fingers
Guyinroom83 yeah i have the capital one double cash card
JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe you can get a rainbow swastika on your new card. Confuse and anger everyone.
Egerog IP and copyright are different
Egerog there are good explanations for IP not being property too difficult to explain Murry Rothbard has a good one
JQuickDraw Supporter I think the constitution says: "Stop the cap, people deserve to get paid for the shit comin' from their brains, for real for real."
Egerog IP theft does not involve forms of aggression. just a good memory
Egerog if IP theft involve aggressions like hacking a computer or stealing plans from your home that is not considered IP anymore, that is the realm of copyright trespass
JQuickDraw Supporter IP = Internet Property, Insurrection Party, Inappropriate Playtime, In-n-out Playa, Illin' Posse, Irredeemable Ponyboys
Egerog If i design a house with a layout no one has seen before. that layout is IP, but the drawings are something covered by copywrite. you can duplicate the layout but not the plans
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I need to go bed now girls, ty for stream, love you both nn xxxx
JQuickDraw Supporter The layout is covered by copyright. The drawings are one expression of the layout. You can do revisions and publish those too. They're all protected by the copyright, like new printings of a novel.
JQuickDraw Supporter It also bothers me that religious people on the right want to legislate morality, when their own god would not want that because he would want them to freely choose to do right.
Egerog the religious people of the 19th century didn't like booz because they felt it removed free will. Similar reasoning they had for abolition of slavery
I don't like being forced to buy electric cars and their other forced nonsense on us. People can make their own decisions.
JQuickDraw Supporter Apparently Lauren Chen has never been to a female strip club. Women are super hands on. It can get bananas.
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly zigging when everyone else zags. "What? no one is groping anyone here? And where can I order human meat? Seriously."
JQuickDraw Supporter No alcohol, no tables. Are you sure you were even in a place of business? lol
JQuickDraw Supporter I almost want a communist state to take over completely to see the looks on the faces of these stupid people when it doesn't play out like in their heads. Almost/
JQuickDraw Supporter Women in movies? Let's see, the landlady from Kung Fu Hustle, Leonidas' queen in 300, Adrienne Balboa, off the top of my head.
JQuickDraw Supporter Carol Burnett - it wa sher show
JQuickDraw Supporter Mae West
JQuickDraw Supporter Linda Carter as Wonder Woman
JQuickDraw Supporter The 6 Million Dollar Woman, Lindsay Wagner in those aviators was also hot.
JQuickDraw Supporter Scully from X-Files
JQuickDraw Supporter I am not a fan, but Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote was beyond huge in that show.
JQuickDraw Supporter I'm not 150 years old, sorry
JQuickDraw Supporter Michelle Yeoh in Crouching Tiger
Egerog what was that show that had Drew Carry's friends doing improv
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Egerog that sounds familiar
Egerog add banning GMOs and Glyphisates
JQuickDraw Supporter Oh you mean The Price is Right?
Egerog sorry
JQuickDraw Supporter Do it tomorrow
JQuickDraw Supporter Don't rush the vagina
JQuickDraw Supporter Bum rush? sure, but not hurry up and rush
JQuickDraw Supporter "Your vagina can help relive pain." "Hey baby, c'mon, I'm in pain here. Let's get it on, for my health."
JQuickDraw Supporter I think Beverly is rolling dice to decide what days these streams will play.
14 days agoTheDimStream LIVE: Merry Christmas! Red One (2024) | Dear Santa (2024)
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Steve-O's Wild Ride! Podcast
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