Isolating Viruses

1 year ago

Did you know that variations of "viruses"/contagions grow LESS deadly, with each new strain? More contagious, due to being NEW, but less deadly and less sickening/harmful.

No virus has ever been isolated for verification nor therefore for identification, or naming, in reality. If you ever need to defend yourself, legally or otherwise, ask those giving you grief to please provid any proof of a virus (by name or names) being "isolated". Can NOT be done! Only faked and lied.
Scheduled (ie. childhood and annual) vaccines have risen from a handful and grown into hundreds!
A bit of history (which often gets censored); The so-called "Spanish Flu" / influenza DEATHS were caused by the vaccine, itself!
These genocidal "experiments" have been ongoing for at least 100 years!
Most epidemics and pandemics are caused by the so-called "cure".
aka inoculations. Sound oddly familiar with innocuous (harmless)?
More like nocuous (harmful, poisonous)! Rhymes with nausea & nauseous.

Are you aware that "they" (not us nor we) recently approved and released a vaccine from the bleeding disease EBOLA? What do you think that they inject into your body? Do you know how vaccines work / what makes them "effective", or gives them "efficacy"? The germ (or disease) itself! If that isn't enough, they are now funding research to "find" (discover or invent) a vaccine for ANTHRAX!

Genocide, Democide, Eugenics, Euthanasia, etc.
Abortion, Termination, Murder, Manslaughter, etc.
Destruction and Death!
Do you know what HOLOCAUST actually, truly means?!?
It's all Greek to YOU! (hint!)

It is the "cure" that is the bioweapon / toxin / poison!

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