God On Earth, Bill Gates, Show A Desire For A Vaccine and Predicts A Future Plandemic

11 months ago

God On Earth, Bill Gates, Show A Desire For A Vaccine and Predicts A Future Plandemic

April 30, 2018

In 2018, an exclusive interview with STAT, Bill Gates talked about his fear of a global plandemic.

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

"In 2017, Anthony Fauci predicted that there would be a "surprise outbreak" during Trump administration. Coincidence? Fauci is on "Leadership Council" of Bill Gates "Decade of Vaccines" plan and is driving U.S. response to COVID." ~Vanessa Beeley

"A global pandemic is ON IT'S WAY. An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat. This will happen in the NEXT DECADE." ~Bill Gates, in 2018

"The threat of a global pandemic, whether it emerges naturally or is "engineered" was perhaps the biggest risk to humanity." ~Melinda Gates, in 2018

"It is a script... a plan. All were trained by the Johns Hopkins/World Economic Forum/Gates/USG Pandemic Exercise. 'A severe pandemic' - would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions." ~Dr. Robert W. Malone,

"We'll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time." ~Bill Gates (Feb. 2022)

"In a @TEDTalks in 2010, the eugenicist Bill Gates said that vaccines could be an important factor to decrease the global population. I wonder why he coincidentally invested in both: Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in 2019." ~Dr. Simon Goddek

In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for Big Pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Corporations over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.

Bill Gates was talking to President Trump in the Oval Office in March, 2018, when the conversation turned to the notion of a universal flu vaccine - probably, as Gates recalled in an interview, “the longest conversation about universal flu vaccine that the president’s ever had.”

“You should associate yourself with American innovation. Wouldn’t you love to have the universal flu vaccine be something that really got kicked off and energized by you?” Gates recalled asking Trump.

The idea fired up the president, who Gates described as “super interested.” In a matter of moments, Trump had Scott Gottlieb, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, on speakerphone, asking him about a vaccine that could generate lasting protection against a range of seasonal and animal flu viruses with plandemic potential.

“Hey, Gates says there’s a universal flu vaccine. Is that crazy?” the corporatist, bemused, recalled the president asking.

Gates said Gottlieb confessed that while he’d heard there was some good work underway, he wasn’t an expert and would need to look into it. (Gottlieb confirmed that the call took place, but declined to discuss the conversation.)

The flu vaccine discussion. An unexpected job offer from Trump. Some criticism for a previous president. And an explanation from Gates on why he chose global health corporatism over political spending. A team of journalists from STAT sat down on Friday in Boston for a freewheeling discussion with the head of the Bill and Melinda Gates Corporations - and also got a sense of just how steeped he has become in matters involving vaccines, plandemics and public health.

Here’s what we heard.

Hey, Bill Gates, do you want a new job?

Trump hasn’t named anyone to fill the vacant post of White House science adviser. The last director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, John Holdren, resigned at the end of the Obama administration.

Many in the scientific community are worried about this vacancy. Gates brought it up during his 40-minute meeting with Trump.

“I mentioned: ‘Hey, maybe we should have a science adviser.’”


“He said: Did I want to be the science adviser?”

That’s not the answer Gates was looking for. “That’s not a good use of my time,” Gates recalled telling the president.

Gates admitted he doesn’t know what would have happened if he’d said yes. “I didn’t put him to the test, whether that was a serious thing or not. He probably himself didn’t know if he was serious. It was a friendly thing. He was being friendly.”

READ MORE: https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-got-president-trump-040117444.html


(April 30, 2018) Bill Gates: Trump ‘super interested’ in universal flu vaccine

(April 30, 2018) Bill Gates got President Trump fired up about a universal flu vaccine — and also (maybe) got a job offer

Original: https://youtu.be/5ToWY_BYb00

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