Accountability Gaming: Elden Ring, Episode 1

3 months ago

Well folks, its about that time! Finally got the PC of my dreams and can do all the fun projects Ive been meaning to work on. Including this one. Why Accountability Gaming?

Because you all are gonna keep me accountable. I never finish video games. And I often buy stuff during Steam sales and barely touch them, so this channel will be all about actually finishing the games I buy.

Starting with Elden Ring, cause Im a serial "start a game and then restart to try new stuff a million times" type of guy so Im gonna actually try and sit down and finish it.

Side note: I know my audio is kinda fucky, one of these days Ill be able to afford proper equipment but today is not that day. I also just record all in one go, maybe Ill create a playlist for clips or something but for now, you're getting the raw, unedited footage and all my stupidity and awkwardness that goes along with it.

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