Thomas Schoenberger - Gabe Hoffman and Isaac Kappy the true story

11 months ago

Thomas Schoenberger (aka St. Germain aka Sophia Musik) calls out AnOpenSecret (Gabe Hoffman).. FknFreddy.. and known trolls and fakes such as Lestat (Arturo Tafoya) and Defango (illusiveman aka @griftcast) to name a few.

Thomas questions how money is transferred (between then) for 'services rendered'... this including the accusation that Gabe Hoffman "ordered a hit on Isaac Kappy".... and that he and others such as Glenn Herman, Defango, SharkbellyKelly were also involved in Isaac's ultimate demise.... to whatever extent that may be.

Although there is no proof any of the above is for certain... one could extrapolate that Isaac Kappy's apparent suicide was the result of his head being filled with complete garbage conspiracies... and absolutely unfounded claims made by so many that surrounded him.

Thomas makes mention of a 1BTC reward... something apparently initiated by Defango... see more here:

Thomas Schoenberger 1BTC Reward For Location

Thomas shows a video dubbed (Dead Mans Switch Part One).. that of which shows Isaac Kappy making his own string of accusations.... again... that of which have yet to be proven and are nothing more than accusations.

i almost questioned if i should release this file... mainly because Thomas had gone to court over such accusations and defamatory remarks... so in essence... this is merely for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.... something to document things of past.... and the life and death of Isaac Kappy.

I will undoubtedly agree on something Thomas makes mention of.. the obvious 'payments' made for whatever reason... whether that be to troll someone or an attempt to totally ruin someones life... as i myself had been a 'target' form the same 'group' in the past.

Undeniable Evidence Isaac Kappy Was NOT Alone
(as seen in the HBO/VICE Docuseries QAnon.The.Search.for.Q.S01E02)

Isaac Kappy Suicide Dispatch Bellemont Flagstaff Coconino County Arizona
with Enhanced Audio (the missing transmissions)

Isaac Kappy Found Dead - Bellemont Arizona - DPS Body Cams - 2019-05-13

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions expressed in this video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy and/or opinion of sIXXIsDesigns

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** For Documentation and Education Purposes Only
*** In no way should this be used to harass or bully anyone

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