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Prophet Julie Green - Arise United States - Defend Yourself and I Will Defend You - Captions
Who do you trust: God or the enemy?
Change the way you see things. Change the way you receive things.
Stand on the Word of God. Use God’s authority.
Get your words into alignment with God’s Word, and God will uphold His Word.
Marching Orders: Don’t quit. Don’t give up.
Marching Orders: Keep standing
Marching Orders: Get ready. Be prepared.
Marching Orders: Arise. Unite in God and His authority and power. Stand and fight with God’s name and Word.
Marching Orders: Stand up to tyranny (and it will flee)
Fortress – a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison; a castle or other large, strong building or well-protected place that is intended to be difficult for the enemies to enter
Stronghold – a place that is fortified so as to protect it against attack; strongly defended; well-fortified place or fortress
Decree – an official order issued by a legal authority
Established – having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
1. Jer. 1:12 (God is faithful to perform His Word)
2. Neh. 8:10 (joy of the Lord)
3. John 8:32 (truth sets you free)
4. Gen. 50:20 (what Satan meant for harm, God will turn to good)
5. John 10:10 (the thief comes to steal, kill, destroy, but God has come to give you life more abundantly)
6. Deut 30:19 (choose life and blessing)
7. 2 Cor. 5:7 (Walk by faith)
8. Isa. 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25 (God’s Word stands forever)
9. Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14; Rev. 1:18; Phil. 2:9-11 (Christ destroyed the power of the enemy)
10. Phil 4:13 (you can do all things through Christ)
11. 1 John 4:4 (greater one on the inside of you)
12. John 1:5 (Light in the midst of darkness)
13. Matt. 5:16 (Let your light shine)
14. Prov. 10:12; 1 Cor. 13:4-8; 1 John 3:15 (Love destroys hate)
15. Isa. 64:4 (No eye has seen, no ear has heard)
16. 2 Chron. 20:20-25 (God set up ambushes)
17. 1 Sam. 17:47 (Battle is the Lord’s)
18. 1 Tim. 6:12 (fight the good fight of faith)
19. Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:3-5 (the fight is spiritual)
20. Ps. 62:5-7 (GNT)
21. Ps. 18:1-2 (GNT)
22. Deut. 32:4 (GNT)
23. 2 Sam. 22:1-3
24. 2 Kings 6:16-17
25. 2 Cor. 4:8-9, 13
26. Job 6:23-25
27. Job 22:28 (decide and decree a matter and it will be established)
28. Gen. 1:26, 28; Ps. 8:6 (God has given His children legal authority, power, and dominion in this earth)
29. Luke 10:19 (God has given you all power and authority)
30. Rev. 19:16 (Jesus is the King of kings)
31. Matt. 12:25 (A house divided cannot stand)
32. 2 Cor. 12:9-10 (Where you are weak, He is strong)
33. 2 Cor. 4:18 (things seen are temporary; things unseen are lasting)
34. Isa. 41:12 (where your enemies were, they will be no more)
35. Isa. 30:18 (God is justice)
36. Est. 7 (Days of Haman)
37. Gen. 18:25; Ps. 50:6, 75:7, 76:8-9; Isa. 33:22; James 4:12 (God is the judge over all the earth)
38. Rom. 12:19 (Vengeance is the Lord’s)
39. Ps. 91:1-3 (No foe can withstand)
Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday, January 26th of 2024. And I want to thank you once again for joining today's live show. Now I had a prophetic word up here that I was going to actually give out to you. It was from the 9th of January. And I started praying into this morning on what the Lord wanted me to do.
And he has changed it. Right before I went on so I know he's going to give another word out today. I could feel it rising in my spirit. And so I am going to wait for him. To deliver what he wants to deliver out to each and every 1 of you today. But again I just, I want to say to each and every person that.
This is the time and this is the hour right now where God is giving us greater revelation. God is giving us greater knowledge in his word and of the power The authority, the dominion that we have upon this earth. So not only, and I know that the Lord is going to deliver to this word, he's going to give this to me here to give to you, but I also want to do some praying regarding this nation.
I also want to pray over what happened with Peter Navarro yesterday. Now it did not go as bad as they said, but it still went not in the course. That it should have gone. And so we are going to still stand for justice and we are not letting it go. No matter how much intimidation, no matter how much they try to bully, no matter how much they try to do and use the justice system against God's people, against anybody who's standing up for truth and justice.
God is a God who if we faithfully stand and we will not be moved. No matter what they do, no matter what they say, and if we stand and we trust and believe God, God's going to change what we see. And so that's why, even though we get a bad report, you still stand your ground. Even though it looks like things are going wrong in your life, you still stand on the word of God.
If things look contrary to what you've been praying for, you still stand. And hold your ground stand on the mighty word of god because god is faithful God is true and god will work through you god will do his word He's faithful to his word. And so we're at this pivotal moment and i'm telling you it's a very Pivotal moment of a great outpouring of the power of almighty god, but at the same time God is pouring out his power and his authority and his revival and what he wants to do for each every one of us.
Guess what the enemy is going to try to do at the same time. He's going to try out to pour out destruction, chaos, darkness, frustration on the children of Almighty God. So again, what you have to do in the situations that we are in is you keep standing, but keep filling yourselves with the Word of God and keep getting stronger.
And God's joy, God's joy, the Lord, the joy of the Lord is our what? The joy of the Lord is our strength. So right now, when everybody is full of hopelessness and despair and frustration and fear and worry, that's the plan of the enemy, because if they can get you in that state, If it can get you in that type of thinking, then guess what?
Then he is going, going to use that and bring on weakness to try to defeat you. But God, if we just dare to stand, I was just pre recording before this show, I was pre recording for Thursdays of next week. And there are many examples in the Bible where God's people. We're facing, it looked like what was inevitable.
They were going to be defeated. They were going to, they were going to die. They were facing death. They were facing utter destruction. They were facing a defeat, death, defeat, destruction, another three D's of the enemy. But that was not the plan and the will of God. And they dared to stop. They dared to stand in the face of that death, destruction, and deception.
And they would not give up. They would not quit. And that's what God is asking each and every one of us to do today. He's asking us when the enemy is trying to weaken us, that's what they're doing. They're trying to weaken us in every area of our life. Spiritually, they're trying to weaken us and our families.
They're trying to weaken us financially. They're trying to weaken us and our minds are trying to weaken us and our and our bodies, every area, they are pouring out a weakness. In order to break us in order to destroy us completely. But what is God doing at this time? God is pouring out his spirit.
He's giving you revelation knowledge to destroy That deception he's giving you his word which is truth which sets you free then He's also giving you His joy, his joy that gives you strength. Remember there's so many times the Lord has said this to each and every one of us, what Satan means for harm, God is going to turn it into something good.
And so at this very moment, wherever you're at, and I know there's lots of people watching throughout the world, no matter where you're at, no matter what country you're in, you are a child of the most high God and your government and your circumstances. Are not going to change the love of God for you The power of God on the inside of you and what God has in store for you The people who make that this choice and make that decision is us.
We're the deciding factor because we're either going to believe Hold on and trust the will of God trust the word of God trust in his love We are going to trust in the enemy. Now, as of you all who are joining right now, the war though, I know the Lord is going to bring on a word. I'm just waiting for him and the right time to bring and to deliver that word.
But in that time, what is he doing? He's showing you how much, first of all, he loves you. And that his plans are good and not for evil. It says in God's word in John 10, 10, The thief comes but to steal, kill, and destroy. But what is the second part of that verse say? But God has come to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly.
So God's will for you is to have an abundant Life full of his goodness full of his mercy full of his grace full of his forgiveness full of his love full of him But it's our choice. It says in Deuteronomy. I'm pretty sure it's 30 in verse 19 I said before you life and death blessing and cursing you choose we're supposed to choose We're supposed to choose if we believe God or we're supposed to choose if we believe our adversary.
We're supposed to choose what we see or we're supposed to choose what we don't because we're supposed to walk by faith. What are we choosing? Are we choosing to believe the Word of God and that His Word stands forever? That's what it says. That his words will stand forever. Even though you have our enemies trying to literally change the Word of God, trying to change the Word, trying to manipulate it.
Satan's been doing that since the Garden of Eden. Twisting the Word of God. Why? So we can bring on a deception?
But if we stand on the word of God, not their AI and not their twisted versions, if we stand on the word of God, the true written word of God, not some man's version of it. If we stand on the true written word of God, that stands forever. Why do you think our adversary since the beginning in the Garden of Eden has always tried to twist the word of God?
Something that was truth. That was power. That was life. That was blessing. He twisted it Manipulated it and he got Adam and Eve to believe him the serpent instead of them Believing God and what God said and they lost What God had given them and that's when he said to the serpent because of what he did The seed of a woman is gonna bruise your head.
I think that's an understatement Jesus did exactly that Jesus destroyed the power of what the enemy had gained In the Garden of Eden and right now God is showing us that Jesus bought back that power. He paid it with his life and with his blood. And we need to trust in that blood, trust in that name, trust in that resurrection power and all that he's done for us.
We need to change the way we see things. Change the way that we receive, change the way that we perceive things, but change the way we receive them. Because if you perceive and if you look at a situation and think it's one way, because you're seeing through the eyes of deception or the eyes of, you know, what the adversary wants you to see, and not seeing through the eyes of faith in the eyes of truth.
You will fall for that deception and that lie and that destruction. And so God is showing us through his word on a daily basis. That's why it's important for me. Not only. When I am here in this office or when I'm gone, it's a lot of work, but I make sure that these words go out and go forth to you, the word of God, the scriptures that he wants, the prophecies that he wants, the teachings or revelation that he wants, because this is a very pivotal moment that you and I cannot back off.
We cannot quit standing. Do you hear what God is saying? We cannot quit standing. Your circumstances, everything in your life may tell you it's not enough. You can't do it. You can't stand any longer. You can't fight anymore. You don't have it in you. And that's a lie from the pit of hell. Because what I read in God's word, in 13, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
You can do all things. A lot of people don't have a fight in them, but you do. You have the line of the tribe of Judah. You have the greater one, 1 John 4, 4 that lives on the inside of you, that he that's in the world. If you're facing, and I know so many people are facing so many things today, see it. I have asked the Lord in several situations in my own life, and I have to keep doing this.
I have to keep reminding myself. I only have the team that has to keep reminding you sometimes. To see something through the way God sees it. So the word of God, not the way it may appear like, because I'm telling you, God is a God of surprises. He surprises me every single time it looks like something's going wrong or every single time It looks like defeat and every single time it looks like you just want to throw your hands up in the air and go I'm done God shows up.
And so today I know he has this word There were certain things that he had me write down before I got on here that he wants to speak And so he's giving you encouragement While you're waiting and a lot of times the reason why he doesn't give certain words at certain times It's because we may not be ready for him yet, but God is telling us now to get ready to get prepared For what not only the enemies are going to try now They're going to try doesn't mean they will be successful but what God is going to do is going to be far greater than any enemy in anything that they are Planning to do against us God will see us through.
So I'm going to I'm pretty sure he wants to speak now. So I'm getting ready for him to speak the words that he that he wants right now.
Arise, children of almighty God, arise in this hour, arise in your nations, arise in your homes. Arise in my name. Arise on my word. Arise in me. Arise in me. Oh, United States. Arise and defend yourselves. Arise and defend yourselves as you are defending yourself. I will defend you push back, push back against your enemies, push back with my word, push back with my authority.
And I will push. You through
they want a civil war. They're trying to cause a civil war in your nation Oh United States a great divide Because they know that great divide Will weaken you and they will have their final shot to destroy you But what your enemies do not know and they will see it very clearly Shortly, uniting has begun a uniting that they cannot stop because that uniting is in me and in my authority.
And as you unite, unite with me to an almighty God and unite in my authority,
your uniting will destroy their plans against you. They are the ones. Who are being divided. I will say this again, what's going on at your border borders, North and South, your enemies try to cause a chaos terrorism, a form of terrorism that has never been seen in this nation before complete annihilation or complete destruction.
They have infiltrated you. They have brought terrorists. And other military men from other nations into your nation to weaken you, to destroy you, to overtake you because they see the hearts of many. They see the hearts of the patriots. They see the hearts of my children. They see the people that are standing, that are holding a line, that are pushing back, that are resisting, that are revolting.
And it's bringing great confusion into the hearts of your enemies. Oh yes, great confusion. But what they have planned against you, do you not know children of Almighty God? I saw these things happening. I knew before your enemy even had this plan. What they were going to do to you, stand, stand, stand and fight with my name, stand and fight with my word, stand, and you will see, and you will see, O United States, you will see my children of almighty God, you will see my authority.
You will see my hand. You will see me move on your behalf and you will see their annihilation and their destruction.
I have told you time and time again, they will not kill my nation. They will not have their globalist agenda. They will not take you down. They will no longer imprison you. They will no longer enslave you.
Because I will see you through it all. I will deliver you out of it all. My word promise. And that is true. I have said in my word that I will defend. I will protect. I will deliver. There's no question if that is true or not. It's a fact, and it's truth. I will perform my word, not only in this nation.
But in nations around the world, my children, you are light in the midst of that darkness. So let your light shine.
Let me and my truth shine through you. Let my love shine through you. That love destroys hate. Unite in my name and it will destroy. Division, forgive, and you will be forgiven. So arise in this time, it's time to shine. It's time to shine, O my United States! You may be infiltrated. You have may have been taken over by fraudulent elections.
You have foreign governments that infiltrated you. And your land and your government in many ways that you don't even know
they tried to do a takeover in a way that it is no longer working, but their next step is do a hostile takeover, but they don't understand. I will overthrow them. It is my takeover. It is my nation. These are my children and not theirs. And they don't have what they want, and they don't have their plans, their will, and nothing they have that's moving forward.
I will block it, and I will stop it.
My children, do you not believe that I am your defender. I am your protector. I am your advocate. I am your standby. Don't fear what they've done with your border. I'm telling you this again. I'm making it very clear. I will remove those infiltrators in your nation. I will remove the infiltrators in your government that allowed those people to come through.
The Red Sea moment when Pharaoh and all of his men fell and the walls of the Red Sea collapsed around them. Do you not know the walls of your enemy are collapsing around them? They will not have their way, but I will have my say. They will not have their way, but I will have the say... the final say
as things start to shift and things start to change and things become more unusual when more information keeps coming out over and over and over one explosive evidence after another it's coming and I told you it will pour in like a flood and that flood of truth Is destroying every single thing that they were doing against you.
So stand in this time. Arise, O my United States. Arise, children of Almighty God, and defend yourselves like I said, and I will defend you.
Don't back off to their intimidation. They're intimidating you, and they're acting like they're the ones who are in charge. They are using people as examples that they're trying to throw in their prison cells. Well, guess who opens up prison cells that they cannot shut? That is Me.
You will see. You will see me, my children, push you through. So you push back, you defend with my word, you use my authority, and I will be on the scene every single time.
I am at your borders. I am all around. I am everywhere.
What you are about to see me do for this nation, and so many nations around the world, no man has ever seen what I am about to do. And remember, your enemies are through. Because of what I am about to do, your enemies are through. So take notice. And take my words, hold them tight, get them down in your hearts, and stand on them.
Fight! Fight, my children! Fight like never before! Fight with my words! Stand and pray! Stand and pray! Praise me! Worship me! Because when you do, I set up ambushes and I am destroying everything they're doing against you while you are praising and worshiping me. Remember, the battle is mine.
The battle is mine. All I need from you is your faith and trust in me. So walk by faith in these days and fight the good fight of faith. That fight is a fight that you will win because I am with you. I am here to defend, deliver, and protect. So trust in me and you will see everything that I have. in store for each and every one of my children and my nations, saith the Lord.
Praise the Lord! I know for what he's saying, again, he's telling us to arise and I don't know how many times he actually said it, but he said it a lot. And that means we're supposed to get up. Our enemy is trying to push us down. Like he said in that word, I'm pretty sure he used the word intimidation.
They're trying to intimidate us. They're trying to bring much fear. They're trying to push us down, like he said earlier in the beginning when he was speaking before he gave the prophetic word, but he was giving us that revelation, is they're trying to weaken us in our bodies and in our minds so we don't fight back.
And God is telling us to fight back. That is an order. We're supposed to fight the good fight of faith. You can find that by the good fight of faith and first Timothy chapter six and verse 12. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, in which you've made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Fight the good fight of faith. And it's not the fact that we're fighting physically with our enemy. It's because we're not. We fight spiritually. But what we're fighting is the fact of not letting go of our faith. We're fighting not to give in to fear. Or be deceived, or be distracted, or be destroyed.
We're fighting against that. Because remember, the battle already has been won. And so many people fight battles in their minds. And they already lose without getting up because their thoughts are telling them it's over and they believe it So the fight is what we're supposed to do is hold on to our trust in the word of god Hold on to what he says And what he's doing, and he said many times that he's our defender.
Let me defender. Let's see how many scriptures about defender. I depend on God alone. This is Psalm 62, five through seven. This is it looks like it's the G and T translation. I'm not even sure what translation that is right now. This says I depend on God alone. I put my hope in him He alone protects and saves me.
He is my defender and I shall never be Defeated my salvation and honor depend on God. He is my strong protector. He is my Shelter, so when he's telling us to arise and he's telling us to fight And remember he said, how'd he said it? He said to push back or, yeah, I think he said to push back and I will push you through.
We're supposed to push back against what? Against the deception. Push back against what? Against all the plots, plans and schemes of the enemy. We're supposed to push back. How do we do that? With the word of God. And when we push back with the word of God and we're using the word of God, God will push us through.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna read this again. Psalm 62, 5 through 7. We have to get these scriptures down into our heart. Again, this is the G N T translation. So I usually do New Kings James or Amplify, but this, I, I really do like this one. I will depend on God alone. I put my hope in him. He alone protects and saves me.
He is my defender. I shall never be defeated. My salvation and honor depend on God. He is my strong protector. He is my shelter. I'm going to read you another one,
Psalm 18, Psalm 18, one through two, Psalm 18, one through two. You are my defender. The Lord is my protector. He is my strong fortress. My God is my protection and with him, I am safe. He protects me like a shield. He defends me and keeps me safe. So everybody, and I know we see what's going on in our nation alone.
Okay. I know all of us in the United States of America and all those you, you are walking, watching all over the world. There's a lot of things going on in your nations as well. We're being invaded in our nation. We see it. We know it. We know that our Fraudulent government is doing it on purpose for multiple reasons.
And a lot of people are in fear because all the prophecies of what guys been saying, he's been telling us for a long time about our Southern border a long time. And he says that they've been caught, but he's also saying to us, he's our, what defender, he's our protector and he's our shield. He defends us and he keeps us safe.
So I love the fact that I, and I saw. There's a lot of people in Texas that are standing up, praise the Lord. There's also a lot of people with them that are standing up. Do you see the uniting? Do you see what's going on? Do you see how people are fed up? Do you see people are pushing back? You see people are fed up with what's being done to our nation to destroy it, destroy our freedoms.
And people are saying enough is enough. It's a beautiful thing to see. They never expected us to do this. They never expected us to be still standing. I want to read you another scripture, Deuteronomy 32 verse four, Deuteronomy 32 verse four. Again, this is still the G N T translation. It says the Lord is your mighty defender, protect and just in all his ways.
Your God is faithful and true. He does what is right and fair. So we're seeing all these things that are unfair, all these things that are going wrong. We're seeing all these things that are coming in, all these terrorists that are coming in to destroy this country and God said, hey, are you forgetting who I am?
I'm your defender. I'm your protector. I'm your shield. I'm your strong fortress. Let's look up the word fortress. Because God is reminding us today who he is and what we should expect him to do. Fortress means a military stronghold, especially strongly fortified town, fit for a large garrison. Fortress, a castle or a other large strong building or well protected place.
Now listen to this, which is intended to be difficult for your enemies to enter. Let's say, so God said he's our fortress. So he's our defender. We've seen all the scriptures I just gave you. He's our defender. So he's going to defend us. But he says he's our fortress. So a castle or a large, strong building, a well protected place, which is intended to be difficult for the enemies to enter.
Our rule, of course. If God is our fortress, the enemies can't get past God. And that's what he's trying to tell you. No matter if they've infiltrated our government, they've infiltrated our judicial system, they infiltrated our border, they've infiltrated our schools, they've infiltrated our churches, they've infiltrated our, you know, medical industries, they've infiltrated all these different things.
And he's saying, Hey, our three letter agencies, we know that they've infiltrated in every area. And he's saying, Hey, I'm going to defend you, protect you. I am your fortress. And that is, is intended to be difficult for enemies to enter. We have to see God as our defender and as our fortress. And there's another scripture that I'm going to read and it talks about how God is our stronghold.
Well, what does that mean? A place that is fortified so as it to protect it against an attack. God said he's our stronghold. A place that has been fortified so as to protect it against an attack. A place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld. Let's look up another meaning a well fortified place or fortress.
He's trying to tell us that no matter, even if they brought people in our country and our border, who is our defender, who is our fortress. Who is our stronghold? So fortress, remember they can't get through that fortress. And then you have a stronghold, which is, is to protect us against an attack. God protects us.
And that's why we're supposed to keep fighting that good fight of faith. Now I'm going to read a few more scriptures that he gave me this morning here. I got to say, cause he gave me a lots. All right. Go to second Samuel.
Well, that prophetic word that he gave.
I can't wait to go back and, and hear it and read it again.
Now I can't go back to give it to you because obviously it was just given live. So those who are just watching now, the Lord gave a prophetic word so you can go back towards the beginning. And on the first 15 minutes or so when he gave he gave a word. All right, 2 Samuel 22 in verse 2. Let's read out of the amplified version 2nd Samuel 22 in verse 2 He said the Lord is my rock of escape from Now, this is David.
He said he's my escape from Saul now Saul was after David Saul was trying to kill David and David is writing this Psalms or writing this and in the book of Psalms, he wrote so many different things and he wrote a lot of songs Even when he was in the midst of destruction and chaos, David wrote songs.
Isn't that amazing? Even when Saul was trying to kill him, David wrote, he wrote Psalms, the book of Psalms. He was writing all these different songs and songs and praise and worship destroys the power of the enemy Now look what David was saying here. David spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day when the Lord Delivered him from the hands of all of his enemies and from the hand of Saul that was sorry That was 2nd Samuel 22 and verse 1.
I'm gonna read that again 2nd Samuel 22 and verse 1 David spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day When the Lord delivered him from the hands of his enemies and from the hand of Saul how many times that God delivered David? He delivered him from the hands of a lion. He delivered him from the hands of the bear He delivered him from Goliath And so David knew that he was gonna deliver him from Saul because if God had delivered him all those other different times Why would God not do it again?
So verse 2, He said, The Lord is my rock of escape from Saul, and my fortress in the wilderness, and my deliverer. So, David was reminding himself that God was the deliverer. Then it says, Verse three, my God, my rock in him, I will take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation, my strong hold and my refuge, my sat, my savior.
You save me. From violence. So remember what god has been saying is he said that we were supposed to be like more like what david He said where are my joshua's? Where are my caleb's? Where are my david's? Why is he saying that in certain prophetic words? Why does he keep re having me read? And having us go through these teachings of David over and over again, or Shadrach, Meshach, and Benegal, or Daniel and the Lion's Den, or the children of Israel, and the land of Goshen with against the Egyptians.
Why is he doing that? He's reminding you that he is your deliverer. He's reminding you that he is your defender. He's reminding you that he is your fortress. He's reminding you that he is your stronghold. He's reminding you that he will save you. So, just like Okay, he's having, all right.
Go to second Kings, go to second Kings in verse six. I remember I was talking with pastor Dave about this the other day and the Lord's bringing this back up to me again, because right now we look like we're surrounded. We are, I mean, we have people infiltrating our, our Northern border. We have people infiltrating our Southern border.
We have people infiltrating our government and every other thing in this country. It looks like we're surrounded. I'm sure most people feel that around the world, no matter what, where you live, you feel the same way we're surrounded. I'm gonna give you some scriptures about that in second Kings chapter six, and I'm gonna start with first or verse 16 second Kings chapter six and verse 16.
But in this, you see Elijah and Gehazi. I, all right, they were surrounded on a mountain. They were surrounded by the enemy army. They, I mean, they were surrounded. There was no way out. There was no way for Elijah and Gehaziite to go anywhere. They were completely surrounded. And then the prophet spoke, which was Elijah, and this is what he said.
Elijah said, verse 16, because Gehaziite's freaking out, okay, he's freaking out, he's in fear, he's saying, hey Elijah, we are surrounded, the enemy is going to overtake us, we're going to die. And then Elijah speaks. Verse 16. So he answered, do not fear, For those of you are with us are more than those who are with them.
Well, most religious minded people today would say that person has lost their ever loving mind. They're a crazy lunatic. You know, they've gone, whatever. Because in the natural, The way it looked like they were going to die or they were to be captured, taken in by their enemies. They were going to lose.
That's what it looked. But then Elisha says, do not fear. There's more of us. And you know that Gazi is thinking, I don't understand what you're talking about. There's two of us and there's thousands of them. How is there more of us? If there's two of us, then there is the thousands of people that are surrounding us right now.
And then Elijah goes on. Verse 17. And Elijah prayed and said, Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see. And you know that he saw with his natural eye. He saw the enemy. That's why he ran and told Elijah what was going on outside of where they were at, how they were surrounded. So you know he saw it naturally.
It's like all of us are seeing all these crazy things going on naturally that's all around us. We see all these things that enemies are doing against us. And God is saying, don't fear. There's more of us there is of them doesn't look that way maybe a crazy thought but it's not it's God No what he says then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all Around Elisha, we may not be able to see Everything that's going on or understand everything that's going on, but that doesn't mean nothing is going on.
There's more of us than there is of them. Now I'll read another scripture here
in second Corinthians chapter four, second Corinthians chapter four and verse eight.
And it says, now this is the classic amplified version of this one. And it says, we are hedged in and pressed on every side troubled. And oppressed in every way, but not cramped or crushed. We suffer embarrassment and are perplexed and unable to find a way out. We're not able to find a way out, but we're not driven to despair.
And then it goes on to say in verse nine, we are pursued, persecuted, and hard driven. So in this is saying all these things that are horrible and they're going wrong. Okay. But look what he says right here, but not deserted to stand alone. We are struck down to the ground, but we are never struck out and destroyed.
So even when it looks like the enemy has the upper hand. It looks like you are head splashed on every side, you're in, you're in a corner, and there's no way out of that corner, because your enemy is surrounding you. And even though you're head splashed on every side, and you're pursued, and you're persecuted, and heart driven, but there this part of it says, you're not deserted, and you're not alone.
God's on the scene. God's always on the scene and it says we are struck down to the ground But we are never struck out and destroyed and that says down in verse 13 2nd Corinthians 4 13 Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote I believed and therefore I have spoken We too believe And therefore we speak.
What is God doing right now? God is telling us to speak the enemy's defeat. Now he told me something this morning and I knew that he was going to speak. I knew it. I was just, I was sitting there praying and just asking God what he wanted me to say and do. And he said, stand up to tyranny. Stand up to tyranny and it will flee.
Stand up to tyranny and it will flee. When we decree the word of God, the enemy will flee. So when we see tyrannical governments and we see all these things that are going on all around the world that are going, you know, in the opposite direction where it should, you see injustice. We talk about this all the time.
You see corruption, you see crime that's just like out of control and you see all the people that are trying to stay in power and God saying, stand up to tyranny. And it will flee, decree his words, and the enemy has nothing to defeat it. The enemy has nothing to defeat. Each all the most high God, when they're standing on the word of God and they're using God's authority and not their own.
So as we are seeing all these things going on, what are we supposed to do? We're supposed to. Well, he said right here, we too believe, therefore we speak. We're supposed to speak. We're supposed to declare a thing. Go to job.
When people say words don't matter, I'm going to do another probably an in depth teaching on the power of words. People think that words don't matter and words are, you know, they're just way of communication and it's not, it's not just communication. Words are power. Words are life. Words are spirit.
They are powerful. Now I'm telling you, they can change any situation. It's scriptural. I will show you all the scriptures. Like one of these times, like my team and I were talking, one of these times that I am gone, I'll just do like, You know a week long teaching and i'll pre record it for you So you can have this in depth teaching on the word of god and what god is saying.
Okay now job chapter 6 and verse 23 job chapter 6 and verse 23 deliver me from the enemy's hand or redeem me from the hand of the oppressors Verse 24. Teach me, and I will hold my tongue. Cause me to understand where I have erred, how forcible are right words. Words are important. Job even knew words are important.
He said, teach me to hold my tongue. How forcible are right words. That's why God is telling us to declare His words. That's why God is telling us to shout against the enemy. He's giving us marching orders on a daily basis. If you guys want to see the marching orders He's given us, go to our prophecies page.
There's teachings and prophecies. And then you can also go to our blog post where there is marching orders, decrees, and declarations. What's so important about decreeing? Go to Job 22. Job 22. Okay. How did a king pass a law? He declared it. He spoke it. He declared it. Decree it spoke it, it became law.
Words are powerful. So job 22 and verse 28. And it says, You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you. And the light of God's favor shall shine upon your ways. If you decree a thing, it shall be established. Okay. Let's look that up. Let's look up decree
an official order issued by legal authority So God is telling us to decree a thing and it shall be established when he's saying decree It's an official order issued by legal authority. He's given us legal authority to speak his name He's given us legal authority to speak his word. He's given us legal authority and power and dominion in this earth I should do another teaching about the power and the authority that God has given to us, the authority of the believer.
There's another one. So I'll do a teaching on words. An in depth teaching on words and i'll do an in depth teaching on the authority of the believer He just brought that up to me. All right now, okay So a decree is an official order issued by a legal authority We have legal authority god's given to us by the name of jesus are the blood covenant that he has with us We can decree a thing And when we decree something it's an official order and shall be established in a legal authority then Let's look up the word established
having been existence for a long time and therefore recognized generally accepted. Hold on accepted and recognized or followed by many people. So we're decreeing a thing. We're decreeing God's words Now what has been God been saying to us all the time? God's been telling us to decree that our enemies and their walls are fallen down like the walls of Jericho He's been telling us to decree our victory.
He's been telling us to decree That we are delivered, that we are saved, that God is rising this, raising this nation up to be a great nation again. He's telling us that we're supposed to speak what we want and not what we have. If we complain, we remain. And that's why God has been giving us these decrees and declarations that we're supposed to be saying.
Because it's an official order and what he's doing is he's telling us, Hey, get your words in line with my word and I will uphold my word. If you decree a thing, it shall be established. I'm going to read that. I'm going to read that again. Let's, let's look up decree again, because that's extremely important.
I think that is a, he's giving us great revelation right now with these words. That's why I do studies with words and I look up definitions. Not only for myself, but I look it up for you. An official order issued by legal authority. An official order. Again, like a king decrees something and it becomes law.
Well, God is telling us, remember, it says in his word that Jesus is the king of kings. We are supposed to be like kings. We're supposed to be in this earth. We're supposed to be using his authority He said in luke 10 19 that he's given us all power and authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses He's already given us the legal authority That's why he's giving us these decrees and what we are supposed to say And so in that word that he gave earlier live here.
And he said we're supposed to arise And we're supposed to unite. Well, the enemies are trying to cause a division. What is dividing us? I'll survive it against itself cannot stand. They're trying to weaken us when God is strengthening us. God is telling us, and he's been telling us, not only as Julie Green Ministry's team, we have been declaring that not only the United States is united, it's prophetic.
That name, the United States, is prophetic. It is not just a name to be a name. It's prophetic because our God knew our Enemies were kind of trying to divide and he's saying no, we're supposed to be united. We're supposed to be a knighted front We're supposed to be strong in the Lord because we are one nation under God and what the enemies have been trying to do for Over a hundred and some years they've been trying to cause Division because if you cause division then you are weak Where we are weak, God makes us strong.
And so our enemies are trying to weaken us and God's trying to strengthen us by showing us You declare that you are united and not only does he have us as a prayer team pray that this country is united I mean because it looks like a hot mess But he's been trying and then he also been telling us to pray and unite the body of Christ and that also looks like a hot Mess there's a vision and people tearing each other apart and you know Always kind of crazy thing.
I can't to me. I don't understand it I don't understand why one christian is against another christian. I don't understand it why one person Live on air is tearing and tearing apart another person in the body of christ Well, that's not walking in love, first of all, and that's not what God would do. God wants us united, not divided.
The enemy wants us divided. So you see people causing division, you know, they're not of God. God wants us united in his name. And that's why I tell you all the time, this fight in this country, this fight in your country around the world, it's not against. This is a spiritual battle and that's why God every day is giving us his prophecies He's giving us his word because we're supposed to fight this spiritual battle with Spiritual ability and means and power and that's by the ultimate Word of God his name We are dealing with people yes to a point, but what's what's behind them that's driving them to do what they're doing They're just deceived and so it's not like again This fight in this country, people see it as Democrat, Republican.
No, it ain't.
No, it's not. It's good versus evil. We're fighting against an establishment because there's good people on both sides. There's bad people on both sides. We're fighting against death. We're fighting against lies and deception. How do you combat that? How do you stop it by the word of God? And so we were supposed to decree a thing.
He's telling us that they're going to be removed. He's telling us that he's, he's in charge. I can't wait for you guys to see Thursdays either. I have been, you know, I have one more yet to do today before I leave, but there's so many prophecies these last couple of days that I've, you know, done. And teachings that he has given me when I had no idea what I was going to teach you at all I had no idea where he was going to go today.
I didn't really know where he was going to go But I knew it was about uniting and then he had me look up defender Fortress stronghold and I didn't exactly know why and where he was going to go with that but then he obviously showed us god is Our protector from it all in second corinthians two or sorry 2 Corinthians 4 in 18, 2 Corinthians 4 in 18 says, Things which are seen are temporary.
They are fleeting and subject to change. The things which are unseen are everlasting. There's another scripture that I read to you guys. That God said I had to go back and see which one this was, but he said, where your enemies were, they will be no more. And I, I think I don't know if I did it during a live stream or if I would do it, I was doing it during these prerecords, but I, I know in this last week you've probably heard that scripture, but God's reminding us that our enemies, where they are now, they're not going to always be, he's got our back.
He's got this. We need to put the cares of this, all these situations in his hand. Whether it cares of your own body, your, you know, your family, your finances, your nation, whatever it is, put it in the hands of God because God is the one that's big enough to handle it all. Remember, decree a thing, decree a thing, what is decreeing?
An official order issued by a legal authority. God has given us legal authority in this earth to use his name, to use his word, the power and authority of that blood of Jesus Christ. We're supposed to decree a thing, decree what God has been saying, and that's what destroys the power of the enemy. They have nothing to stop the power of God.
They have nothing to stop the word of God. They can't. So I want to pray over each and every one of you today. And again, if you missed beginning of this live show, there was a prophetic word. I don't, I didn't look at the time, so I don't know when it was, but I also want to pray for justice for Peter Navarro.
Okay. Instead of six months. They gave him four months in jail, which is no. And then they also instead of like a 200, 000 fine, they gave him like a 9, 500 fine. Well, yeah, they lessened it. But that's not justice. And so we're going to stand firm, not only for him, but we're also going to pray for the indictments against president Trump.
They are falling apart and it is absolutely hilarious. I love seeing it. God said it was going to happen last year and now we're seeing it. We're seeing them all fall apart because God is justice. But what are, what's our job? Our job is to believe and trust in God and decree a thing. Decree what he's been telling us to decree.
So right now father god right now in jesus name I lift up peter navarro in the situation with you and I thank you father god. It is not over Because you are not done I thank you father god that you had the final say we call down justice in the situation. We call down the Injustice not only against peter navarro That, Father God, that you will have the final say in the name of Jesus that he will be completely, 100 percent vindicated and cleared of all charges in Jesus mighty name.
Father God, you are the judge of all the earth, and we know that you stand. You stand, and your word stands forever. So we are decreeing justice. In this situation with Pierre Navarro, we are calling in justice with all these indictments against President Trump. We're calling them all down to the ground that they are annihilated and brought to nothing, just as your word said, Father God, that these are the days of payment and the ones who brought on indictments will then actually will be indicted themselves.
And so we thank you, Father God, we call down justice into every single one of these courtrooms in Jesus mighty name because Father God, President Trump is your David in this time. And we thank you that he stands strong because you reside on the inside of him because he can't do this by himself. But we thank you that he sees you move on his behalf and you have the final say in each and every one of these judges.
Cheers. That are against him and this nation will not have that final say so we are calling down and decreeing justice and we thank you father god for bringing down these judges and everything that they are doing that is in just. We thank you that you have your way in this situation in every single situation in every single court case with these January sixers and they're and all those prisoners right now.
Father God, we are calling down justice in the name of Jesus. Vindication, validation, clear their names, and break open those prison cells, and re free, free them from the injustice of this rogue, tyrannical, out of control government. And Father God, I thank you that their power is coming down in this hour, because it's your power, and it's your hour, Father God, of justice, vindication, and you said vengeance.
Vengeance is yours. Restore to each and every one of these people, Father God, and all, and anybody else, who's been unjustly, that they have used the, the court systems against them. I know tons of people, that they have used a court system as a weapon against them, and it was unjustifiable, and Father God, I thank you for cleaning out our judicial system in the name of Jesus.
And that those judges will not uphold the law and the constitution of the United States of America that they will be removed or disbarred because you are the ultimate judge over all the earth. So I thank you Father God that you have your way and you have the final say in each and every one of these instances.
Whether it's the people that I mentioned, people I didn't mention, Father God, that you know of, because there's so many court cases we don't, can't even mention them all. But also against everything, every single person that is watching me, and everything the enemy's done against them, that's unjust, unjustifiable, everything that he's doing, I thank you, Father God, for making all those wrongs right.
For vindicating them, for restoring them from what has been stolen, and we thank you, that you are our defender, you are our protector, you are our fortress, you are our stronghold, and you are saving us now. And we decree that we are saved. We decree that we are delivered. We decree that we are united. We decree, Father God, that this nation of the United States of America is rising out of the ashes.
It is united in the name and by that name of Jesus Christ. And no foe can withstand it. No foe can withstand that power, Father God. And they will not divide us. Because you are uniting us. And we thank you for it in Jesus name, Amen! And Amen. That is how you win. By decreeing a thing, agreeing with Almighty God, stand, no matter what's going on, God will have the final say.
Let Him have the final say. Don't let the evil ones have the final say. Let God have the final say. We're not losing, but we are winning. Because God is saving all of us out of all these situations. So again, if you missed that prophetic word, you can go back. I don't know if it was 15 minutes into this broadcast.
I'm not really sure, but I will have, I'm going to pre record one more before I leave today. So you will see all five days. I will have a pre record just in case, because it looked like my days are going to be filled. I want to make sure just in case I couldn't get on live with you while I'm in DC. I want to make sure you had these words.
If I do have a chance, maybe you'll you'll see me extra. I don't know. We'll see what happens But if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgm international. org under our Contact page or you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street suite 200 Down for iowa 52807 and i'm pretty sure there's still godwin's mugs left I don't think there's very much but if you still want those you can go to threesunstrides.
com. That's threesunstrides. com And they are ordering more shirts. They should be coming in and also you know, eventually more cups again but if you want any of that kind of stuff again, you go to threesunstrides. com and All the proceeds do not go to this ministry that we have decided we did not want any of those proceeds Those proceeds would go to various charities that God has designated for us to give to so I just want you guys know I hope to encourage you today.
Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day and again, don't miss next week. I do. I did prerecord for you and I'll be back the following week live on air.
So God bless each and every one of you and have a wonderful day.
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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International
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