Ep 19 - Reclaiming American Sovereignty

1 year ago

✨In this episode, we discuss how to reclaim American Sovereignty! 😱

✨What is more important than learning how to reclaim your sovereignty?!

✨Our guest is Ela Mukosiej and boy does she have an interesting story to tell!! 😳

✨Ela Mukosiej is a sovereignty coach with nearly three decades of experience as a professional basketball player and collegiate coach. She’s an international award-winning athlete with dozens of awards.

Ela initially came to “the land of the free” in 2004 on an athletic scholarship. She played for Jefferson College, Missouri and Seton Hall University, New Jersey. After graduating college she contracted with professional teams in Europe. Seven seasons later, Ela went through an identity crisis and faced deportation, which helped her realize that she was trapped in a modern system of enslavement.

After several months of research, Ela discovered the America no one talks about, America unincorporated. She was in a good standing to lawfully adopt one of the States of the Union and became an America State National — Texan (sovereign in her own right). She’s a member of The Texas Assembly since 2021, volunteering to reconstruct the actual American civilian government that has been ‘missing’ since March 27, 1861.

Ela’s newfound passion is to help others break free from the covert slavery = foreign-corporate USA and return America to the dreams upon which she was founded.

✨ You can reach Ela:
email: ela@difrent.me
IG: @elamukosiej
website: www.difrent.me

Sign up for her free American Freedom Intro Class:

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