Schindler's List is 100% fiction, yet taught as fact in school curriculum!!! More RZC insanity!

2 months ago

In the early 90’s there was a truth telling TV show called “Truth For The Times” hosted by Pastor Pete Peters. On one particular episode, his guest was Mr. Ernst Zündel, where they discuss the controversy surrounding Stephen Spielberg's 1994 movie 'Schindler's List,' which we now know is a work of complete fiction, yet it was and still is being taught in the Rothschild Zio Cabal’s indoctrination camps and passed off as historical truth, embedded into school curriculum. Zundel believes bogus films like Schindler's List, propagate a false notion of what actually occurred in World War II, regarding the Holocaust. Zundel, who passed away in 2017, was imprisoned on multiple occasions for simply researching the subject of the holocaust, & subsequently telling the truth about his findings. We also know the Diary of Anne Frank was a complete hoax, as well. This brings us to today, where a new Hellywood Holocaust Propaganda film is being released, starring Anthony Hopkins, and is being hailed the new Schindler’s List. Like big bang ball earth cosmology, nukes, germ theory, and dinosaurs, the Holocaust lies never stop! We are constantly bombarded with the reinforcement of the biggest lies upon this realm, on a daily, and even an hourly basis! It is relentless, but we know the most effective method of brainwashing and gal sighting, is repetition repetition repetition!! Peters and Zündel also discuss further issues on the Holocaust, including the alleged gas chambers and concentration camps, as well as the famous photos taken thereof. If I were to be a homeschool teacher, today, I would make this a mandatory watch. Let’s roll this riveting and powerful interview that the RZC most certainly would not want you to see…

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