Dr. David Cartland sums up vaxx carnage he is seeing, implores colleagues to speak up

3 months ago

A small selection of the vaxx-induced carnage that dr. David Cartland has been seeing with his own eyes:

- People in their thirties having strokes within 24 hours after their COVID jab
- A 31 year old mother of two children who had 4 COVID jabs and now has metastatic cancer
- A marathon runner who within 3 weeks after his first jab had dilated cardiomyopathy, a type of heart muscle disease that causes the chambers of the heart to grow larger and harder to pump blood. Doctors have told him without any supporting evidence that his heart condition is genetic and did not mentioned the elephant in the shoulder.
- People are getting jabs that are expired. Others are getting the COVID jabs under heavy coercion. A child was given the COVID jab without their parent’s knowledge.
- In general he is seeing heart problems and blood clots in young people.
- A man developed Parkinson’s disease on the same day as his jab. His condition got worse after every subsequent COVID injection. After he had 4 jabs, he refused to take any more.
- Other people are getting Guillain-Barré, transverse myelitis (polio), multiple sclerosis. They are being gaslit: doctors are telling them that their condition is definitely NOT caused by their jab. Doctors are even calling it coincidences if people went from fully healthy to debilitated within mere days after the injection. They are also not getting adequate medical help.
- In the past month he has seen 4 men who are trying to conceive a baby, but who have a condition called azoospermia, which means that they don’t even have one functioning sperm cell.
- Memory issues in young people. Even 40 year olds are saying that they can’t remember what they came to the shop for or they are repeating themselves like they’re 92 years old with Alzheimer’s.
- 16 intractable chest infections in a single day this past winter, every one of them among fully vaxxed individuals with an average of 3.2 injections (VAIDS)

Dr. Cartland is hearing daily from his colleagues that he’s spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. However, no one is willing or able to show him where he’s wrong and no one is willing to debate him.

It’s beyond all reasonable doubt that his carnage is vaxx-induced.

Dr. Cartland is imploring his colleagues to speak up. There is safety in numbers. After all, they can’t fire the majority of doctors, because then there wouldn’t be enough left.

He has also heared very concerning reports from midwives of problems that would not happen under normal circumstances.

Colleagues refuse to speak up because they are afraid of getting the same treatment as dr. Cartland. They say they’ve got kids, mortgages and cars. Well, dr. Cartland has all those too, and still he’s speaking up.

Sticking to the facts and clinical experience provides a significant amount of protection against retribution.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/CartlandDavid/status/1754470254867001550

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