Los Angeles City Council Election Analysis: Kevin de Leon vs. Miguel Santiago

3 months ago

With ballots already dropped, it's crucial to know your council members and make informed choices. In Council District 14 of Los Angeles, the race is intense, with contenders like Wendy Carrillo and Jenny Guerrero. However, all eyes are on Kevin de Leon and Miguel Santiago, poised to secure the top spots.

In this battle of the giants, both candidates boast strong credentials and community ties. Kevin's advocacy for the Armenian community, notably with Little Armenia, has earned him widespread support. Meanwhile, Miguel, with union and party backing, presents a formidable challenge.

Despite their history, Miguel's decision to run against Kevin, spurred by past controversies, has stirred the political landscape. However, the outcome remains uncertain, with Kevin's potential for re-election still viable.

As voters, it's essential to assess each candidate's contributions and suitability for office. Let's make informed choices and ensure that those who have served us well continue to represent our interests.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and vote wisely.

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