Letter from Lord Bear aka Ibrahim X | Owen Benjamin

1 year ago

This young scottish guy is lieing about his app. He says he designed it and sunk thousands and thousands of dollars into it. He is renting it from DISCIPLE MEDIA the same company that owen rents BEARTARD APP from. Also Matt Hutchison aka Lord Bear aka Ibrahim X is lieing about his youtube reach, if you check out his about section. He was in Tate's war room and sent Tate heaps of money to find out how to lie/market himself to the world. Looks like he bought followers on his IG too. 75K following and 10 comments. These types are so transparent now.

He is on IG, Telegram, Youtube probs twitter, tictoc and every other social media platform too. Just like his big lieing pseudo daddy bear. Liars attract liars unfortunately.

Letter from yesterday's stream.



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