STB071 | BSE | Rejection | Cultivate Relationships

10 months ago

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about rejection and how it's a belief that our acceptance (or acceptability) is dependent upon what we do, what we produce, or how we behave. They also discuss how this belief hinders peace of mind and confidence in who God created us to be and what He designed us to do.

What has been your most painful experience of feeling insignificant or rejected? Who was the person(s) involved? In light of your answer to the previous questions: (1) How have you been affected? (2) How has your relationship with others been affected? (3) How has your relationship with Jesus been affected?

Take The Identity Guide and read through it, out loud, twice a day for the next week. Discuss the above questions with a trusted friend, family member, or spouse. Be sure to address when, how, or why you answered how you did. Then, when you will work through The Freedom Booklet to help you resolve areas of rejection in your heart and mind.

• Expectations - Small Group Videos:
• Bible Tools:
• The Identity Guide:
• The Freedom Booklet:
• Website & Resources:

00:00 Opening
4:31 Built up by significance, not worn down by rejection
25:55 Biblical examples of rejection.
48:30 Flavors of feeling rejected
1:10:07 3 foundational reasons we believe we are rejected.
1:32:29 Abide in Jesus' real, timely, and personal word for your life.
1:45:07 Application & Activation

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