Planning Board - 2/20/24

5 months ago

Temple Planning Board
Tuesday February 20th, 2024
7:00 pm, Temple Town Hall Annex

Next Planning Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 5th at 7:00pm
Temple Town Hall

Approval of Draft Minutes:
February 6th, 2024

Invitation for Public Comment:

Old Business:
1. InvestNH HOP Grant Update
2. Natural Resources Regulatory Audit Update
3. Tax Map Updates (Keith)
4. Driveway Regulations (Murray)*
5. GIS Mapping Conversion (Future Meeting)
6. Site Plan Regulations Audit results – (Future Meeting)
7. NFIP –FEMA Flood Maps (Future Meeting)

New Business:
8. Regional Impact – Update
New Ipswich Subdivision Application – Brook Haven Farm LLC
Appleton & Maki Roads, Map 6 Lots 20 & 20-9

Work Session:
1. Subdivision Regulations (cont’d from 2/6/2024)

Other Business:
1. Filing Project
2. Webinars and Trainings
* Local Solutions to the State’s Housing Crisis Webinar Series
Next Planning Board Meeting – February 20th, 2024

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