PART 2 OF 2: Bro Lawrence S PROPHETIC DREAM ON Uganda with focus on Tororo District (Mon 15-02-2024)

1 year ago

Luganda Language:
PART 2 OF 2: Brother Lawrence S PROPHETIC DREAM ON Uganda Israel 🇺🇬🕎🇮🇱 2nd Born with main focus on Tororo District (15-02-2024)
⚠️Revelation on an evil power that appeared as smoke came with much force and pushed + carried me from Kampala City to Tororo City where I met some foreigners with a particular focus on Sudan. IT WAS ARRANGED THAT TORORO DISTRICT WAS GOING TO BE BOMBED 💣 AND DESTROYED with people in it.⚠️
📌The Ugandan government does not care on bit at all for the Nation of Uganda 🇺🇬!!!
📌We need to develop true love for Uganda 🇺🇬 and CRY OUT TO THE LORD YAHWEH ALMIGHTY and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [JESUS CHRIST] so that Uganda 🇺🇬 can be DELIVERED from the hands of the evil people - evil government - these have no pain and express no care for the people of Uganda whatsoever!!! They need to be unseated ASAP. *They have also done much witchcraft on the people of Uganda 🇺🇬 thereby bewitching them in different ways.*
➡️➡️➡️➡️It is about time the people of Uganda 🇺🇬 cry out to THE LORD YAHWEH ALMIGHTY for Uganda's DELIVERANCE!!!⬅️

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