40 Days of 4VKM - Episode 41: The CM Punk / JFK Prophecy

11 months ago

On 11/25/2023, the CM Punk Prophecy was fulfilled. In this episode I break down how 4VKM had predicted the return of CM Punk at this year's Survivor Series against all odds. The entire wrestling media complex got it wrong, but 4VKM got it right. All it took was some Gematria, some Q Drops and recognizing a pattern that started years ago.

What's this all have to do with JFK? Well, watch to find out!

Check out the last episode of 4VKM "War on Christmas III: The CM Punk Prophecy" at the link below

Don't forget the @4VKMPodcast starts on 2/21/2024. youtube/com/@4VMKPodcast

Check out 4VKM.com to see all the episodes in order!

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